Tuesday 26 May 2020

Minecraft Dungeons has an ecosystem of bloodthirsty baddies just waiting for their chance to destroy you, as well as some much more helpful mobs. Here's everything you need to know.

In order for Minecraft Dungeons to achieve the same level of greatness as its spiritual predecessors such as Diablo, a veritable maelstrom of different mob types and enemy varieties was necessary. The list of mobs you can run into in Minecraft Dungeons is astoundingly long, passing even the already-lengthy lists of weapons and armor types you can equip yourself with. We've been hard at work compiling the ultimate list of Minecraft Dungeons' colorful cast of characters.

Here's everything you need to know about the mobs and enemies in Minecraft Dungeons:

Not your average Minecraft

Minecraft Dungeons

$20 at Best Buy (Xbox One) $30 at Best Buy (Xbox One Hero Edition) $20 at Best Buy (Windows)

Minecraft grows up and and reaches out.

Minecraft Dungeons is the next saga in Minecraft's story, and it looks like Mojang and Microsoft are hitting another one out of the park. Minecraft Dungeons combines the familiar world we all grew up on with an injection of Diablo, a whole lot of fun. Available on every platform you're on, for a ridiculously tempting price, what's not to love?

Minecraft Dungeons mobs and enemies

The complete list of enemies in Minecraft Dungeons

The mob type you'll undoubtedly see the most of in Minecraft Dungeons are hostile mobs, or enemy units that'll do everything in their power to take you down. This is the largest and most diverse category as well, since Mojang and Microsoft pumped a bunch of powerful and unique enemies into the game to give the player variety during their playthrough.

There are several different groups of hostile mobs, each with different abilities, varieties, and purposes. Many mobs will be familiar, like the creeper, while others are all new and exclusive to Minecraft Dungeons. Individually, lone enemies usually aren't that big of a threat. When they work together, however, you better watch out.

Here are all the enemy mobs in Minecraft Dungeons:


Illagers are the most prevalent and sprawling group of mobs in Minecraft Dungeons, getting a spotlight they just don't have in vanilla Minecraft. These mobs are humanoid and similar in many ways to villagers, but are always hostile and have grey-tinted skin. Their abilities vary wildly, with some illagers even possessing "magical" abilities like summoning minions or granting increased attack strength to nearby hostile mobs.


Crazy axe-weilding maniacs that deal a hefty amount of damage up close. They still can't take a lot of hits, but in close combat they can chip away at your health with haste. Best to take care of them even quicker than they'll take care of you. The most common illager-type mob.

Armored vindicator

A special variant of the vindicator that can take a lot more hits, almost rivaling that of some mini-bosses. These guys are annoying, but fortunately don't move too quickly. It's probably best to pepper these guys with some arrows or weaken them with artifacts before attempting to take them head-on. They can dish out a good deal of damage as well.


Your typical illager baddie equipped with a crossbow and a bad attitude. We haven't seen one of these in the game, but can only assume that they're in there. They likely won't take a lot of hits, and will try to keep their distance similar to skeletons, but with a slower, harder-hitting ranged attack than your average bow.


Enchanters aren't dangerous on their own, but they can strengthen surrounding hostile mobs and give them increased power and attack speed. Enchanters make tough battles even tougher, so it's imperative that you take them out as quickly as you can. Leaving an enchanter alone on the battlefield will make dealing with tougher enemies like armored vindicators all the more difficult for you.


Witches are another visitor from vanilla Minecraft, and, like enchanters, aren't terribly dangerous on their own. They'll throw potions at you that can deal poison damage, slow you down, and more. They're a support-type mob that can make a lot of trouble for you if they're left to their own devices and have some friends to call upon. It's best to take witches down rather quickly.


Geomancers are a new kind of mob that attempts to entrap you in stone cages, as well as summoning exploding stone pillars that deal moderate amounts of damage. These enemies are tricky, as they focus on restricting your movement as well as dealing area-of-effect damage that's hard to dodge. Geomancers can quickly ruin a battle for you.


Summoners are relatively effective even on their own, as they can deal damage with energy bolts and summon armies of zombies to follow their bidding. A few summoners can overwhelm even a powerful player if they're not careful. Like other unique support-types, these mobs are more dangerous left to their own devices than taken on immediately.

Royal guard

The royal guard are unique illager-type mobs that guard the False King, a boss mob that you'll need to face during the campaign in Minecraft Dungeons. You won't find them anywhere else.


Zombies are the basic mob in Minecraft, and the same holds true in Minecraft Dungeons. They're normally not to be worried about too much, but different varieties like jungle and frozen give zombies extra weapons in their arsenal to be used against players. They're still not the biggest threat, but it would be wise to be aware of the different types regardless.

Basic zombie

There's no mob in Minecraft more boring than the zombie, but you have to start with something. You'll find some variation of these guys in almost every level, as they're the quintessential rank-and-file soldiers. They don't have a brain of their own, so they don't ask questions or disobey orders. They also don't particularly care how outmatched they are by the player.

Armored zombie

Armored zombies are more of a threat than normal zombies, but the difference is negligible. You can pick these guys out because they're zombies but, well, wearing armor. Shocker, I know. They might be able to take a few more hits than a normal zombie because of their scavenged protection.


Husk are a desert variation of zombies, so you'll find these guys in dry, sandy levels. They're not much different than zombies, but being present a little bit later in the game could pose more of a threat if you're not prepared. Otherwise, they're just here to add some spice to the mob pool.

Chicken jockey

These little guys are a source of pure terror in vanilla Minecraft. Baby zombies are just as strong has regular zombies, but are super speedy and deal extra damage. Give them a chicken, and suddenly they're heavy calvalry but a whole lot harder to hit. Sure enough, they're in Minecraft Dungeons, but fortunately don't seem to warrant quite the same level of fear.

Jungle zombie

A zombie, but jungle-y. I mean, until I see these guys in action and get my hands on the game, I don't really know what else to put here.

Frozen zombie

Ditto for frozen zombies. They're another variant of zombies that will only appear in cold levels, but beyond that you'll have to sit tight.


These clackety-clickety bags-of-bones are one of the most frustrating mobs to fight in Minecraft, if only because their predictable cadence of arrows holds just enough knockback to be annoying. In Dungeons, things are a little different. Skeletons can still take a back seat and launch ranged attacks at you, but this time around there's also melee-type skeleton mobs that pack a punch.

Basic skeleton

Another of the "pillar" mobs that makes up Minecraft's foundation, the skeleton launches ranged attacks using a bow and arrows, so it prefers to keep its distance. Skeletons don't have a lot of health, so a quick melee or ranged attack will make short work of them. Skeletons are also quite common.

Armored skeleton

Remember armored zombies? Basically regular zombies but able to take a few more hits? Enter: armored skeletons. Same concept here. These are ordinary skeletons, but you'll need to beat them a few more times to knock them out. Armored skeletons are a bit more frustrating to have a ranged battle with.

Skeleton vanguard

The skeleton vanguard is a unique hostile mob that you can find in desert areas, but is most commonly summoned by the Nameless One. These skeletons are actually melee attackers, armed with a shield, helmet, and spear that they'll use to stab and slash at you. Beware these guys.

Mossy skeleton

Mossy skeletons are pretty much what the name says: skeletons but mossy. Another unique mob variant added to Minecraft Dungeons for atmosphere.


I'm sure you're very happy to see that creepers made the cut in Minecraft Dungeons. As before, these guys attempt to sneak up on you and unleash their trademark explosive attack. They can still dish out a bunch of damage, but as our guide shows, they're not as dangerous in Dungeons as they are in Minecraft.

Basic creeper

Icy creeper

A variant of creepers with cold explosions that can be found in very chilly areas along with frozen zombies. Other than that, not much is known about them.


Ah, spiders. These crawly bois aren't the most dangerous of mobs, but for a select few of you out there, they could all go die in a massive fire and you'd be much happier. Spiders made the cut for Dungeons, so you'll still have to look out for your eight-legged pals, including poisonous varieties similar to vanilla Minecraft.

Basic spider

Spiders are veryone's favorite eight-legged, hissy, jumpy mob. Right? Well, regardless on your stance on spiders, they're here in Minecraft Dungeons, because what dungeon crawler is complete without some arachnids. They're more or less the same in Dungeons, and don't pose a huge threat to the player if you're careful. However, there are spider caves in Dungeons, so, you know. There's that.

Cave spider

Cave spiders are a different story, as just like in vanilla Minecraft they're smaller, nippier, and most importantly, venomous. Handle these guys with extra caution, since they can make trouble for even the most experienced player. They should be more uncommon than regular spiders.


Everything in this category is all-new to Minecraft Dungeons, and there are some very interesting additions here. Redstone mobs are heavily inspired by, you guessed it, redstone, and pose an exciting challenge to overcome to get to the top. Redstone golems in particular seem to be powerful enemies that deserve a wary gaze.

Redstone cube

We know redstone cubes are here, and we assume they're similar to slimes and magma cubes from vanilla Minecraft, but we'll have to wait a little longer to get some definitive information on them.

Other enemies

Here we have the "other" category. These are mobs that don't quite deserve their own section, but they're here nonetheless. Crowd favorites like silverfish find a spot in this list.


I'm not sure how silverfish are going to be incorporated, but I can only imagine they'll pop out of the stone walls of every corridor at the worst possible moment, terrifying your grandmother and sending you and your Minecraft Dungeons player to an early grave. I think it's a safe assumption.


Hop, squish, hop, squish, hop, squish. That's everything you need to know about slimes in Minecraft Dungeons.


Wraiths are another completely new mob being added for Minecraft Dungeons, and they seem to be pretty intimidating from the little info we have. They fly, and launch fireballs at the player? Scary.

The complete list of passive mobs in Minecraft Dungeons

The final category of mobs in Minecraft Dungeons is the easiest to face, since these mobs aren't out for blood. Instead, passive mobs are entities like villagers, which you rescue during your journeys and can help you out by upgrading your camp with new vending shops and other perks, or wolves, which can be faithful companions that aid you in battle.

Sometimes, passive mobs are necessary to move forward, like when there's a key golem lurking around a locked door you need to get through, or when you need a bit of extra health to get through the next battle and some cows and pigs are nearby. They may not be exciting, but passive mobs are just as important as any other mob.

Here are all the passive mobs in Minecraft Dungeons:


Villagers are the closest you get to NPC's in Minecraft, and they're the motivation behind your actions through the game. The Arch-Illager seeks to exact revenge against the villagers for neglecting him, and it's up to you to stop him and save the villagers in the process. There are a few different types of villagers, with different purposes.

Basic villager

Don't expect a lot from normal villagers in Minecraft Dungeons. They're basically only here to be captured by the Arch-Illager, then (hopefully) rescued by you, the main character. Still do your best to save them whenever you can though, since they could be a vendor or wandering trader for your camp.


Pretty early on in the game you should get a blacksmith hanging out at your camp, which allows you to buy new gear using emeralds. You're not always guaranteed to get better equipment, or even stuff you don't already have, but this still a useful way to potentially get an upgrade without much work. Be nice to him, will you? He's been through a lot.

Wandering trader

Wandering traders are a bit different from blacksmiths. They may come and go, but they allow you to buy artifacts instead of normal equipment, which is a sure-fire way to mix up your character's abilities and increase your power level. You might spend a bit more for the privelage, but it's more than worth it if you're struggling to progress any further.


Need a little bit of extra health or a few more XP points? Then just fine the nearest herd of expendable livestock and take them out. Unfortunately for these mobs, they don't serve much purpose beyond that. Just like in vanilla Minecraft, they exist in-game solely to be slaughtered by the player. Oh well.


As far as we're aware, pigs are the only livestock mob that drops food for you to consume (at least in the beta). As you can expect, pigs have a chance of dropping pork, which will allow you to regenerate health for a short period of time, making them useful in a pinch. You also get a tiny amount of XP for slaying them.


We didn't notice any cows dropping beef in Minecraft Dungeons like they do in the vanilla game, but it stands to reason that they might when the full game comes out. We'll keep this guide updated if that's the case. In the meantime, you still get a small amount of XP for culling the local cow population, so have at it.


The food situation is the same with sheeps as cows, and there's no sign of any wool either (whatever you'd do with that in Dungeons). Again, like other livestock you still get a small bit of XP for killing them, so if desire to leave absolutely nothing behind, don't be... sheep-ish.


These feathery bois are still present in Minecraft Dungeons, even if they are plotting to probably ambush and kidnap you. Oh, and you don't appear to get food from them, but you still get some XP. Definitely kill all the chickens though, just to be safe. I swear chickens are evil in Minecraft, and I don't expect things to be different in Dungeons.



Need a boost in battle? Or just want a best friend? Well, wolves can do both for you, for a price. If you find the Tasty Bone artifact and use it, you can summon a faithful poochie companion to aid you.

Wolves are actually seen as friendly characters, so you can even heal them and provide boosts with other abilities and artifacts if you have them. They'll attack enemies, absorb damage aimed at you, and add some joy to your previously lonely adventure (unless you were playing with friends, which you totally should be). Try not to let them die, or you'll make the internet sad.

Iron golem

Iron golems are the best body guard anybody could ask for in Minecraft, due to their powerful attacks and huge pool of health. It's no different in Minecraft Dungeons, with iron golems being another companion option for players to summon. You're sure to get a lot of use out of iron golems, especially in a pinch.

Iron golems are great for distracting large groups of enemies and disrupting armies with their wide sweep attacks and tank-like fortitude. We're not quite sure how to summon them yet in Dungeons, but you can bet we'll be updating this space the moment we know every detail about them.

Piggy bank

It may go against everything you thought was real throughout this rather long guide, but the piggy bank, wolf, and key golems are all important enough that they deserve their own little sections, even if they'll throw things off a little. Piggy banks (or pigs with chests) are akin to treasure goblins from Diablo, in that they're a walking treasure trove just waiting to be taken.

Any time you see a piggy bank, it's in your best interest to mercy kill it as quickly as possible and take its treasure for yourself, since piggy banks often carry a ton of valuable loot like emeralds and supplies. They'll try to run, but if you're smart, you'll be a little bit faster.

Key golem

These little guys technically belong to the "golem" category, but they're a lot smaller than any of their cousins, and there's no chance of an attack from this front. Key golems are slippery mobs that will typically do anything they can to not be useful to you, even though their presence typically means they're blocking the way forward.

That's right, key golems are used to unlock doors to other areas of the map, and you'll need to track them down, keep up with them, and successfully launch a surprise attack to capture one. Once you've done that, you can unlock a door and continue on with your merry adventure. They also enjoy a nice nap.

The complete list of bosses in Minecraft Dungeons (spoilers)

Bosses are super-powered versions of hostile mobs, and take things to the next level. You'll have to overcome these intimidating obstacles before you'll be allowed to continue, and defeating main bosses is integral to eventually coming face-to-face with the game's ultimate antagonist: the Arch-Illager.

Boss mobs are split into two categories: mini-bosses that you may see several of during the game, that break up levels and provide extra bits of challenge; and main bosses, which are unique and powerful units with devastating tactics and attacks. Be wary when facing them.

Here are all the bosses in Minecraft Dungeons:


Mini-bosses aren't quite unique enough to deserve their own names and identities. Instead, Minecraft Dungeons has chosen a handful of more powerful base mobs to instead turn into more powerful obstacles for players to overcome. You'll see quite a lot of mini-bosses during your playthroughs.


The first boss of many you'll come across in the game, evokers are powerful wizard-like mobs that can summon pincer attacks from the ground and aggressive minions. They're hardly the most challenging boss in the game, being the first one you'll meet, but can still pose a challenge to the uninitiated. Good thing we have a guide going over all their attacks and the best strategies to combat them.

Redstone golem

Redstone golems are brand new to the Minecraft universe, and expand the all-too-small golem-category of mobs. These ones aren't friendly, though, and will attack you with powerful melee strikes. Their appearance is comprised of a lot of stone, redstone, and cracks. Beyond that, we'll have to play the game to learn more.


We haven't seen an enderman in Minecraft Dungeons yet, but it's safe to assume they're up to no good, with their shifty eyes, sticky fingers, and teleportation.

Main bosses

Main bosses are the real deal, with totally unique attacks, names, and necessary strategies to beat them. Main bosses push the story forward, and they plan to be the most difficult battles in the entirety of the game. Approach with caution, and be sure to analyze every boss as best as you can.

The Nameless One / The Necromancer

This boss is the ruler of the Desert Temple area in Minecraft Dungeons, and has the ability to raise armies of undead to defend it from your attacks. It'll summon wave after wave of skeleton vanguards, acting as offense and defense at the same time. When it's not summoning anything, it'll teleport away, making it a difficult boss to pin down.

The Nameless One also has the ability to clone itself. It'll create up to nine versions of itself, and they'll all surround the player and fire green fireballs. Only one of the clones is real, but all of the fireballs deal damage. This is the only attack that the Nameless One uses itself.

The False King

We don't know a whole lot about the False King yet, only that it's protected by the royal guard illager-type mob and is one of the main bosses in the game. We'll update this space when we get a chance to fight him ourselves.

Redstone Monstrosity

The Redstone Monstrosity has been used in a lot of marketing material for the game, since it's a very obvious boss with a distinct visual appearance that screams "Minecraft." This is a much larger, stronger unique variant of the redstone golem mob that has devastating melee area-of-effect attacks and ranged fireballs that it launches from its mouth.


The Arch-Illager is the final boss of Minecraft Dungeons, and as such we don't know very much about him. We know that he was a villager that was shunned for his appearance, and came upon a powerful artifact that granted him control over illagers. He occassionally ambushes the player with summons waves of illagers to attack.

Knowledge is power

The near-endless list of mobs in Minecraft Dungeons must be giving vanilla Minecraft mob-envy, since there's a ton of new and exciting mobs we've never seen before. There's even potential for more mobs to be added to Dungeons in the future, with DLC and different areas. The possibilities are endless, and Dungeons is the perfect outlet for Mojang to test the outer limits of Minecraft's diversity with mobs. We'll keep you posted if we discover any more mobs in our new favorite dungeon crawler.

Not your average Minecraft

Minecraft Dungeons

$20 at Best Buy (Xbox One) $30 at Best Buy (Xbox One Hero Edition) $20 at Best Buy (Windows)

Minecraft grows up and and reaches out.

Minecraft Dungeons is the next saga in Minecraft's story, and it looks like Mojang and Microsoft are hitting another one out of the park. Minecraft Dungeons combines the familiar world we all grew up on with an injection of Diablo, a whole lot of fun. Available on every platform you're on, for a ridiculously tempting price, what's not to love?


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