Start11 hits its 1.0 release.
What you need to know
- Start11 is out of beta and ready to charge you a starting price of $5.99 for the right to make Windows 11 (or 10) look the way you want it.
- The program will let you put Windows 11's Start menu on Windows 10, 10's on 11, and a multitude of other tweaks designed to actualize your preferences.
- There is an "upgrade option" for those using Start8 and Start10.
Stardock's Start11 program, a piece of software designed to let you make Windows 11 the best it can be according to your personal preferences, just hit its 1.0 release. That means the beta version of Start11 we covered is now the real deal.
You can put Windows 11's Start menu on Windows 10 if you're a fan of Microsoft's new OS look but don't actually have it yet. You can do the reverse if you've voluntarily upgraded to Windows 11 for some reason even though you hate its Start menu. Heck, if you can't stand either of Microsoft's two recent OS aesthetics, you can shove a Windows 7 design on there.
In detail: Start11 lets you adjust taskbar size, move the Start menu, re-order shortcut lists, and more. But that's just the start (puns). As stated by Stardock itself: "The new UI has been designed to support additional Start menu enhancements, extending support to a host of new Start menu ideas like pages, minimalism, and features for enterprise customers."
In other words: Whatever you want Windows to be, it can be. Even if you want Windows XP, as many still do. Though that particular yearning may require something besides Start11.
Start11 is here to give you the Windows 11 or 10 of your dreams.
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