Teams wants to know if you've been jabbed.
What you need to know
- Microsoft Teams' new VaxApp has arrived on GitHub.
- It's a means for employees to share whether they've been vaccinated.
- It exists to help companies comply with the U.S. government's mandate that organizations with over 100 employees must show that their employees are vaccinated or regularly test negative for COVID.
Microsoft Teams is constantly expanding its services to address every kind of workforce need under the sun, and it has now stretched to cover one more sector: Government vaccination mandates. Teams now has VaxApp, a tool with which employees can attest to having had a vaccination.
VaxApp comes in response to the U.S. government's new rule that employers with over a hundred employees need to verify that their workers have been vaccinated or are testing negative for COVID on a weekly basis. Now, organizations utilizing Microsoft Teams have an easy, PowerApp-based way to get their employees' statuses accounted for.
You can check out VaxApp over on GitHub, where you'll also find the full deployment guide for how to jab it into your organization's Teams infrastructure. These are the key features of VaxApp:
- Submit an Attestation: Easily submit an attestation for yourself or on behalf of another person.
- View Attestations: Easily review your history of attestation submissions.
- Admin Console: Export attestation data for simplified reporting.
Microsoft's already made its own stance on vaccinations clear, so the company's rollout of technology to help monitor the situation can be seen as an extension of its existing policy.
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Microsoft Teams is now in the business of making sure your teammates are jabbed. With VaxApp, it's easy to confirm whether you've been vaccinated and are helping your employer comply with new policies and rules.
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