Will you put money down before receiving the product?
Halo Infinite is nearly upon us. Or, at least, half of it is. On December 8, 2021, gamers will finally get to play the new Halo's campaign and multiplayer. However, the co-op campaign, a longtime staple of the series, will not be included in the game at launch. Nor will Forge mode.
That's right: Two massive elements of Halo Infinite won't be in the game until months after it releases. Couple that with the fact that Microsoft's been very cagey about showing off the campaign, resulting in our senior editor Matt Brown advising that you don't preorder Halo Infinite, and questions abound. Only one-quarter of the game has received consistently confident attention heading into its December 8 launch (the multiplayer).
With all that in mind, are you preordering the game?
Many fans are nervous about campaign quality not only because of how little has been shown off thus far, but also because of the narrative decisions in Halo 5 and Halo 4. Taking into account the mixed reception to those games' stories, some are wondering if Halo Infinite will continue down the same divisive path.
Given that the campaign is the sole reason to preorder since the multiplayer portion will be free to play, the above red flags have a lot of gamers hesitant to throw their money at Microsoft before seeing the actual condition of the finished product. However, there is a large audience that loved Halo 4 and 5 and is more than willing to overlook Craig the Brute in favor of taking an optimistic, preorder-friendly approach to Infinite. Which camp do you fall in?
Whichever path you're set on, let us know in the poll above and comments below. And if you're preordering, let us know why. Considering the lack of Microsoft-bundled incentives to preorder, the game's inclusion alongside the best Xbox Game Pass games, and the fact a good chunk of Infinite can be enjoyed for free, what has you keen to plop down cash before consumer reviews are in?
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