Thursday 8 April 2021

Learn all about the skills found in Outriders.

Outriders is the latest co-op looter shooter from Square Enix and People Can Fly. In Outriders, players find themselves sent years into the future against their will and are thrust into a war for the alien world of Enoch. You have to adapt quickly to survive the dangerous climate and unstable enemies that make up this new world, so that means getting comfortable with each of Outrider's four unique classes.

Choosing the right skills that match your playstyle is always a difficult decision, so let us help you make it that much easier. Here's every class skill and every skill tree found in Outriders.

Light 'em up


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Become legendary

Become an Outrider and follow a mysterious signal across the alien planet of Enoch, and make use of unique abilities and legendary weapons and armor.

Classes in Outriders


Devastator is a class that's perfect for those who are interested in close-range combat. The Devastator class gives you two passive skills. Your melee attack inflicts Bleed on all enemies within a short radius and you recover health from killing enemies in close range. Devastators also received three class traits:

  • Receive additional 15% maximum Health.
  • Increase Armor by 30%.
  • Every close-range kill heals you by 24% of your maximum Health.

Devastator Skills

These skills are exclusive to the Devastator and can be modified using Devastator Mods available on armors of blue rarity or higher.

Name Description Type
Earthquake Sends a shockwave out that deals damage and interrupts all enemies in front of you. Unlocks at level 1. Seismic, Interrupt
Golem Fortify yourself against 65% of incoming damage for 8 seconds. Unlocks at level 3. Protection
Gravity Leap Leap into the air and strike your targets from above, dealing damage and Interrupting enemies within a small radius of the area you land in. Unlocks at level 4. Kinetic, Interrupt
Reflect Bullets Create a barrier that captures all enemy projectiles and accumulates damage. After 10 seconds of triggering the skill, the accumulated damage is reflected back to enemies in front of you. The barrier also protects against melee attacks by reflecting some damage back. Unlocks at level 6. Protection
Impale Select a target to Interrupt their skills, inflict Bleed, and deal damage. If the damage is lethal, the enemy will be impaled, creating a zone that grants a powerful bonus to Armor and Health regeneration to all allies in range for 9 seconds. Unlocks at level 9. Seismic, Interrupt
Tremor Create a series of explosions around you, each dealing damage and draining Health from enemies within a medium radius around you. Unlocks at level 13. Seismic
Boulderdash Charge forward to Interrupt all enemies in your path and deal damage. At the end of the charge, you will smash the ground and deal damage to all enemies in a small radius around you. Unlocks at level 17. Kinetic, Interrupt
Endless Mass Encase a target in stone, inflicting Bleed and pulling enemies within a small radius towards the initial target. The stone will then explode, dealing damage to all enemies within a small radius around the target. Unlocks at level 22. Kinetic

Devastator Class Trees

The Devastator can you Class Points to choose skills from three different subclasses: Vanquisher, Warden, and Seismic Shifter. While the skills are mostly exclusive to their part of the class tree, accessing certain skills will allow players to branch into other parts of the class tree previously inaccessible.


The Vanquisher subclass specializes in increasing weapon damage. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Havoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Shotgun Adept Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 12%.
Armorbreaker Increase your Armor Piercing by 15%.
Shotgun Master Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 15%. Increase shotgun weapon drop chance by 12%.
Brawler Increase your Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Perpetual Motion Reduce KINETIC skills cooldown by 15%. Branches into the Warden tree.
Perpetual Motion Increase your assault weapon damage by 12%.
Armorbreaker Increase your Armor Piercing by 15%.
Champion Using PROTECTION skills increases Weapon Damage by 45% for 10 seconds.
Havoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%. Branches into the Warden tree.
Bull's Eye Increase your Critical Damage by 20%.
Steady Hands Decrease weapon recoil by 30%.
Assault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 20%. Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Havoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Perpetual Motion Reduce KINETIC skills cooldown by 15%.
Brawler Increase your Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Dry Them Out Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Havoc Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Bounty Hunter Increase damage against Elites by 15%. Elites deal 15% less damage to you.
Bulletstorm Reload your weapon 20% faster.
Ammo Stockpile Increase your magazine size by 50%.
Confrontation Enemies who damage you will have their physical damage reduced by 10% for 5 seconds. The effect is doubled if you damage that enemy as well.
Dry Them Out Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Armorbreaker Increase your Armor Piercing by 15%.
Altered Charge When KINETIC skills end, increase your Weapon Damage by 70% for 10 seconds.


The Warden subclass specializes in increasing armor and health, allowing for the player to take more damage. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Colossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Tank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Anomaly in Veins Every second regenerate your Health by 1%.
Into the Fray Increase your damage mitigation by 15% for 10 seconds after your KINETIC skills end. Branches into Vanquisher tree
Colossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Strong Arm of the Anomaly After using class Melee skill, increase Resistance Piercing by 15% for each hit enemy for 10 seconds. Branches into Seismic Shifter tree.
Vim and Vigor Increase Weapon Damage by 10% for each unlocked Anomaly in Veins class node.
Colossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Resistance Paragon Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Anomaly in Veins Every second regenerate your Health by 1%.
Heirloom Armor When an enemy dies in your Close Range 20% of their Armor will be transferred to you for 10 seconds. Branches into Vanquisher tree.
Colossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Stone Circle Extend the distance considered to be Close Range by an additional 4 meters. Branches into Seismic Shifter tree.
Profit Squared Every ammo pick-up heals you for 5%.
Anomaly in Veins Every second regenerate your Health by 1%.
Tank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Through the Mob Increase your Armor by 7% for each enemy in Close Range.
Colossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Outrider Commander Increase all healing by 20% and Shield by 20% for you and your allies.
Colossus Increase your Health by 10%.
Unending Watch Reduce PROTECTION skills cooldown by 15%.
Unbroken Vow You have 100% chance to ignore damage that would kill you and gain 50% Health. The effect may occur once every 180 seconds.
Resist the Mob Increase Resistance by 15% for each enemy in Close Range.
Tank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Overlord of the Battleground Gain additional 10% Health for each enemy that died at Close Range.
Resistance Paragon Increase your resistance by 20%.
Tank Increase your Armor by 20%.
Mighty Tank Increase Firepower by 10% of your Armor. Increase Anomaly Power by 10% of your Armor.

Seismic Shifter

The Seismic Shifter subclass specializes in boosting skill damage. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Anomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Rejuvenation Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Endless Tremors SEISMIC skills cooldown is reduced by 15%.
Unending Watch Reduce PROTECTION skills cooldown by 15%. Branches into Warden tree.
Anomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Paladin Using PROTECTION skills increases Anomaly Power by 45% for 10 seconds.
Pure Anomaly Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Perpetual Motion Reduce KINETIC skills cooldown 15%.
Anomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Red Rivers Increase Bleed duration by 30%.
Endless Tremors SEISMIC skills cooldown is reduced by 15%.
Anomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Strong Arm of the Law Double the damage of class Melee skill.
Executioner Increase damage by 20% against enemies below 30% of Health.
Red Rivers Increase Bleed duration by 30%.
Anomaly Reservoir Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Bloodbath Bleed afflicted on enemies deals 30% more damage.
Protected by the Anomaly Increase your Armor Bonus by 40% of your Anomaly Power.
Rejuvenation Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Blood Donation You are healed for 35% of your Bleed damage.
Skilled Sentry Increase Armor by 20% and Resistance by 20% for 10 seconds when your skills end.
Pure Anomaly Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Bloodbath Bleed afflicted on enemies deals 30% more damage.
Earth's Heritage Increase SEISMIC skills base damage by 50%.

Classes in Outriders


The Pyromancer is a medium range class that gives the player control over fire. Choosing the Pyromancer class will allow you to deal damage and inflict Burn to all nearby enemies with every melee and recover health whenever an enemy marked by your skill is killed. The Pyromancer also receives these class traits:

  • Receive additional 10% Anomaly Power.
  • Skills mark damaged enemies for 15 seconds. Killing a Marked heals you by 24% of your maximum Health.

Pryomancer Skills

These skills are exclusive to the Pyromancer and can be modified using Pyromancer Mods available on armors of blue rarity or higher.

Name Description Type
Heatwave Summon a fiery wave that deals damage and inflicts Burn to all enemies in its path. Unlocks at level 1. Ignite
Feed the Flames Pull an enemy toward you, dealing damage, draining Health, and inflicting Ash. Unlocks at level 3. Immobilize
Thermal Bomb Select an enemy to Burn, Interrupt and deal damage to. If killed while still afflicted by the skill, the enemy will explode, dealing damage in a large radius. Unlocks at level 4. Explosive, Interrupt
Overheat Deals a little damage to all enemies in a large radius and Interrupt their skills. Enemies afflicted with Burn receive additional damage and the Burn will be consumed. Unlocks at level 6. Ignite
Volcanic Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that will inflict Burn within a small radius and pierce targets, damaging enemies behind them. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons. Unlocks at level 9. Ignite
Ash Blast Create an Anomaly blast to inflict Ash on all enemies in a large radius around you. Unlocks at level 13. Immobilize
F.A.S.E.R. Beam Fire an energy beam that deals damage that benefits from 125% of Status Power, inflicting Burn and causing Interrupt. Unlocks at level 17. Ignite, Interrupt
Eruption Create a volcanic eruption beneath the selected enemy, dealing damage to them, and all enemies within a small radius around the target. Unlocks at level 22. Explosive

Pyromancer Class Trees

Using Class Points, The Pyromancer can choose skills from three different subclasses: Ash Breaker, Fire Storm, and Tempest. While the skills are mostly exclusive to their part of the class tree, accessing certain skills will allow players to branch into other parts of the class tree previously inaccessible.

Ash Breaker

The Ash Breaker subclass specializes in boosting weapon damage against marked enemies. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Inferno Weapon Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Moths to the Flame Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Marble Orchard Reduce IMMOBILIZE skills cooldown by 15%.
Assault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 20%. Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Mark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Sidearm Adept Increase your pistols and revolver damage by 12%.Branches into Fire Storm tree.
Blood Boil Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Trial of the Ashes Enemies afflicted with Ash receive 10% more damage.
Hot Situation Activating your IMMOBILIZE skills increases your Anomaly Power by 45% for 10 seconds.
Mark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies. Branches to Fire Storm tree.
Curse of the Pompeii Ash afflicted on enemies lasts 15% longer.
Sniper Master Increase your sniper weapon damage by 40%. Sniper weapons will drop 12% more often.
Mark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Blood Boil Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Inferno Weapon Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Moths to the Flame Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Mark of the Anomaly Increase your Weapon Damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Ashes to Ashes Every time Ash is afflicted on an enemy, Vulnerable status is inflicted as well.
Leeching Force Activating IMMOBILIZE skills doubles Weapon Leech for 4 seconds.
Nimble as a Flame Decrease reload time by 20%.
Hurt Twice as Long Increase damage against Elites by 10%. Elites deal 10% less damage to you.
Trial of the Ashes Enemies afflicted with Ash receive 30% more damage.
Marble Orchard Reduce IMMOBILIZE skills cooldown by 15%.
Burning Situation Activating IMMOBILIZE skills increases your Weapon Damage by 60% for 10 seconds.

Fire Storm

The Fire Storm subclass specializes in boosting health and damage. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Magma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Unquenchable Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Warm Up Reduce IGNITE skills cooldown by 15%.
Armor Melting Increase your Armor Piercing against Marked enemies by 30%. Branches into Ash Breaker tree.
Magma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Wildfire Decrease all your skill cooldowns by 10%. Branches to Tempest tree.
Steady Fire Decrease weapon recoil by 30%.
Trial by Fire Enemies afflicted with Burn receive 5% more damage.
Master of the Armor Increase your Armor by 20%.
Meltdown Burn afflicted on enemies deals 20% more damage.
Incinerate The moment Burn ends on an enemy, inflict Ash status. Branches into Ash Breaker tree.
Magma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Extinction Increase damage by 20% against enemies below 30% of health.Branches into Tempest tree.
Curse of the Pompeii Ash afflicted on enemies lasts 15% longer.
Gifted Increase Weapon Damage and Anomaly Power by 5%.
Master of the Resistance Increase your Resistance by 20%
Let Them Burn Burn afflicted on enemies lasts 20% longer.
Distant Flame Increase your Anomaly Power by 2.5% for each unlocked Magma Golem class node.
Magma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
All Guns Blazing Increase Weapon Damage after any skill activation by 20% for 7 seconds.
Unquenchable Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Let Them Burn Burn afflicted on enemies lasts 20% longer.
Magma Golem Increase your Health by 10%.
Anomalous Lava Activating IGNITE skills increases your Armor by 45% for 10 seconds.
Unquenchable Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Fuel for the Embers Doubles Skill Leech when under 30% of Health.
Trial by Fire Enemies afflicted by Burn receive 15% more damage.
Warm Up Reduce IGNITE skills cooldown by 15%.
Magma Elemental Activating IGNITE skills increases your Armor Piercing by 45% and Resistance Piercing by 45% for 10 seconds.


The Tempest subclass specializes in increasing skill damage. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Archmage Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
World Ablaze Reduce cooldown of your EXPLOSIVE skills by 15%.
Mark's Cumulation Increase your skill damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Gifted Increase Weapon Damage and Anomaly Power by 5% against Marked enemies.Branches into Fire Storm tree.
Archmage Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
With Fire and Rifle Activating EXPLOSIVE skills increases your Weapon Damage by 45% for 10 seconds.
Mark's Cumulation Increase your skill damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
Strength of the Flame Reduce Elite damage against you by 10%
Archmage Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.Branches into Firestorm Tree.
Inferno Bullets Your Firepower is increased by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
Meltdown Burn afflicted on enemies deals 20% more damage.
Gifted Increase Weapon Damage and Anomaly Power by 5%.
Archmage Increase your Anomaly Power by 6.
With Fire and Anomaly Activating EXPLOSIVE skills increases your Anomaly Power by 12% for 10 seconds.
Master of the Resistance Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Archmage Increase your Anomaly Power by 6.
Phoenix Nestling Upon losing all Health you will receive a second chance to return to the battlefield with 50% Health. Phoenix can revive you every 180 seconds.
Chasing the Chill Away Upon losing all Health you will receive a second chance to return to the battlefield with 50% Health. Phoenix can revive you every 180 seconds.
Chasing the Chill Away Killing a Marked enemy heals you by additional 12% of your Maximum Health.
Conflagration Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Phoenix Your Phoenix will revive you with 100% Health. It's activation cooldown will be reduced to 135 seconds.
Flames That Burn Twice Increase damage against Elites by 10%.
Mark's Culmination Increase your skill damage by 10% against Marked enemies.
World's Ablaze Reduce EXPLOSIVE skills cooldown by 15%.

Classes in Outriders


The Technomancer is a long-range class that has some of the best recovery abilities in the game. Choosing the Technomancer class will allow you to deal damage and inflict Freeze to all nearby enemies with every melee and recover health whenever an enemy marked by your skill is killed. The Pyromancer also receives these class traits:

  • Increase long-range Weapon Damage by 15%.
  • Increase Skill Leech by 15%.
  • Increase Weapon Leech by 15%.

Technomancer Skills

These skills are exclusive to the Technomancer and can be modified using Technomancer Mods available on armors of blue rarity or higher.

Name Description Type
Scrapnel Throw a proximity device. The explosion deals damage and Interrupts the skills of enemies caught within the blast radius. Unlocks at level 1. Ordinance, Interrupt
Cryo Tunnel Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Freeze onto enemies. The turret's health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage. Unlocks at level 3. Gadget, Turret
Pain Launcher Place a missile launcher and bomb the area in front of you. Each missile deals damage per hit and Interrupts enemy skills. Unlocks at level 4. Gadget, Turret
Blighted Rounds Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% of the damage. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons. Unlocks at level 6. Decay
Tool of Destruction Fill your current weapon's magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% of the damage. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons. Unlocks at level 9. Ordinance, Interrupt
Fixing Wave Release your energy to restore 33% of Health to all players and 50% of Health to your turrets regardless of distance. Unlocks at level 13. Gadget, Heal
Cold Snap Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radius around you. Unlocks at level 17. Gadget
Blighted Turret Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radius around you. Unlocks at level 22. Decay

Technomancer Class Trees

Using Class Points, The Technomancer can choose skills from three different subclasses: Pestilence, Tech Shaman, and Demolisher. While the skills are mostly exclusive to their part of the class tree, accessing certain skills will allow players to branch into other parts of the class tree previously inaccessible.


The Pestilence subclass specializes in boosting damage from weapons and toxins. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Br/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Suction Module Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Sower of Decay Reduce DECAY skills cooldown by 15%.
Drill Coating Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Sniper Master Increase your sniper weapon damage by 40%. Sniper weapons will drop 12% more often.
BL-STM Havoc Nexus Increase your Critical Damage by 15%.Branches into Tech Shaman tree.
Nitrogen Capsules Decrease the distance considered to be Long Range by 3 meters.
Toxicologist Toxic afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Br/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Cannonade Activating ORDNANCE skills increases weapon damage for you and your allies by 30% for 10 seconds.
Blurscreen Your Health Regeneration threshold is increased by 20% of Maximum Health.Branches into Tech Shaman tree.
Engineer Decrease TURRET'S health decay rate by 30%. Branches into Tech Shaman tree.
Nitrogen Capsules Decrease the distance considered to be Long Range by 3 meters.
Purge Enemies afflicted with Toxic receive 10% more damage.
Br/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Assault Master Increase your assault weapon damage by 20%. Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Assault Adept Increase your assault weapon damage by 12%.
Sniper Adept Increase your weapon damage by 12%.
Drill Coating Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Two Sides of the Power Increase damage received from all sources by 15% and dealt by 20%.
Sharpshooter Increase your long range weapon damage by 30%.
Grand Amplification Increase your Anomaly Power by 4% for each unlocked Br/8 Impact Amplifier class node.
UT-14 Clips Increase magazine size by 50%.
Charged Gunshots First bullet after reload deals damage with 200% increased weapon damage. It can happen once every 5 seconds.
Purge Enemies afflicted with Toxic receive 10% more damage.
Empowering Antenna Activating DECAY increases Weapon Damage for you and your allies by 40% for 10 seconds.

Tech Shaman

The Tech Shaman subclass specializes in boosting damage for gadgets and improving your healing abilities. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
A.N.E.T.A. Plates Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Gadgeteer Reduce GADGET skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Exposing Toxin Every time Toxic is afflicted on an enemy, Vulnerable status is inflicted as well. Branches into Pestilence tree.
Marked for Execution Vulnerable afflicted on an enemy is 40% more effective.
Winter's Barrier After using your class melee skill, increase damage mitigation by 40% for 3 seconds. Branches into Demolisher tree.
Sols-56 Freezing Tanks Freeze afflicted on enemies lasts 20% longer. Branches into Demolisher tree.
Armor Plates Increase your armor by 20%.
Fracture Enemies afflicted with Freeze receive 10% more damage.
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Blurscreen Your Health Regeneration threshold is increased by 20% of Maximum Health.Branches into Pestilence tree.
Engineer Decrease TURRET'S health decay rate by 30%. Branches into Pestilence tree.
Wipe Out Enemies below 30% health receive 20% more damage. Branches into Demolisher tree.
Vitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Gadgeteer Reduce GADGET skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Senior Engineer Increase TURRET skills health by 100%.


The Demolisher subclass offers a boost for many areas, including boosts in damage to weapons, gadgets, toxins, and a slight boost in healing. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Anomaly Fueled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Ordnance Technician Reduce ORDNANCE skills cooldown by 15%.
Disturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
a name="anomalyfueled"> Anomaly Fueled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
a name="sidearmadept"> Sidearm Adept Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
a name="brainfreeze"> Brain Freeze Your class Melee skill also applies Toxic on every enemy hit.
a name="anetaplates"> A.N.E.T.A. Plates Increase your Resistance by 20%.
a name="welcomeshot"> Welcome Shot The first shot after reloading deals damage with Firepower increased by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
Anomaly Fueled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Adrenalizing Antenna Activating DECAY skills increases Anomaly Power for you and your allies by 30% for 10 seconds.
Ordnance Technician Reduce ORDNANCE skills cooldown by 15%.
Toxicologist Toxic afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Anomaly Fueled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Heavy Absorption Activating ORDNANCE skills increases Skill Leech by 15% for 7 seconds.
Anomaly Fueled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
D-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Disturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Vitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Armored Unit Activating ORDNANCE skills increases your Armor by 50% for 15 seconds.
Anomaly Fueled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Team Player Decrease Elites' damage against you and your allies by 10%.
Emergency Transfusion Double your Skill Leech when your Health goes below 30%.
Anomaly Fueled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
D-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Techbond Activating ORDNANCE increases Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.

Classes in Outriders


The Trickster is a close-range class that's fast, so fast that it can easily hit and run from targets before they know what happened. Choosing the Trickster class will allow you to deal damage and inflict Slow to all nearby enemies with every melee and recover health and shield whenever an enemy is killed in close range. The Trickster also receives these class traits:

  • Receive additional 5% maximum Health.
  • Active Shield grants 5% damage mitigation.
  • Every close-range kill heals you by 20% of your maximum Health and grants you 12% Shield.

Trickster Skills

These skills are exclusive to the Trickster and can be modified using Trickster Mods available on armors of blue rarity or higher.

Name Description Type
Temporal Slice Paralyze and slice enemies in front of you, dealing damage and inflicting Slow and Interrupt to all targets. Unlocks at level 1. Damage, Interrupt
Slow Trap Create a spacetime Anomaly that inflicts Slow onto enemies and projectiles for 10 seconds. Unlocks at level 3. Deception
Hunt the Prey Select an enemy and teleport behind them and receive a shield bonus. Unlocks at level 4. Movement
Twisted Rounds Fill your weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that deal significantly more damage to enemies. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons. Unlocks at level 6. Damage
Cyclone Slice Create a whirlwind of Anomaly blades that deal damage and Interrupt onto enemies within a small radius of you with every hit. The skill lasts for 5 seconds. Unlocks at level 9. Damage, Interrupt
Borrowed Time Receive a shield and mark your location for 28 seconds. Triggering the skill again will bend spacetime and teleport you back to the marked spot. Unlocks at level 13. Movement
Venator's Knife Throw a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade will ricochet between a maximum of 5 enemies within a small radius, dealing damage and marking them. All marked targets will be inflicted with Slow and for 10 seconds the first damage dealt by you will be doubled. Unlocks at level 17. Deception
Time Rift Create a shockwave that suspends enemies in the air leaving them unable to fight for 3.5 seconds and inflicts Weakness. Unlocks at level 22. Deception, Interrupt

Trickster Class Trees

Using Class Points, The Trickster can choose skills from three different subclasses: Assassin, Harbinger, and Reaver. While the skills are mostly exclusive to their part of the class tree, accessing certain skills will allow players to branch into other parts of the class tree previously inaccessible.


The Assassin subclass boosts weapon damage while moving. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Arms Trick Increase Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Bulletstorm Decrease reload time by 20%.
Ace of Trumps Increase Armor Piercing by 10%.
Shotgun Master Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 15%. Increase shotgun weapons drop chance by 12%.
Death Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Arms Trick Increase your Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%. Branches into Harbinger tree.
Equalibrium Decrease the cooldown of your MOVEMENT skills by 15%.
Deadly Shadow Increase your Critical Damage by 20%.
Disruptive Firepower Activation of DECEPTION skills increases your Weapon Damage by 50% for 8 seconds.
Arms Trick Increase your Close Range Weapon Damage by 15%.
Singularity Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Singularity Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Ace of Trumps Increase Armor Piercing by 10%.
Scion of the Power When your DAMAGE skills ends, increase your Weapon Damage by 50% for 8 seconds.
Unforeseen End When attacking enemies from behind, all your Weapon Damage is increased by 20%.
Death Probability Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Transfusion Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Unforeseen End When attacking enemies from behind, all your Weapon Damage is increased by 20%.
Bounty Hunter Increase your Weapon damage against Elites by 15%.
Oddity Summation Increase your magazine size by 50%.
Assault adept Increase your assault weapon damage by 12%.
Shotgun adept Increase your shotgun weapon damage by 12%.
Cold Calculation For each enemy in Close Range, your Weapon Damage is increased by 8%.


The Harbinger subclass focuses on increasing health, armor, and shields. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Anomaly Persistence Increases your Health by 10%.
Immunity Increase your Resistance by 15%.
Oddity Resistance Receive 20% less damage from Elites.
Leap of Quietus Activating MOVEMENT skills increases your Armor Piercing by 15% for 10 seconds. Branches into Assassin tree.
Anomaly Persistence Increases your Health by 10%.
Against the Odds When surrounded by enemies, reloading your weapon deals 19 damage and interrupts enemies' abilites. Damage scales with Anomaly Power. Branches into Reaver tree.
Cycle of Life and Death Gain additional 10% Health for each enemy that died at Close Range.
Shield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation rate by 30%.
Atrophy Weakness afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Outrider Executioner Activating MOVEMENT skills increases your Weapon Damage by 50% for 8 seconds. Branches into Assassin tree.
Anomaly Persistence Increases your Health by 10%.
Wither Scything Your class Melee skill inflicts Weakness to all enemies hit. Branches into Reaver tree.
Ace of Trumps Increase Armor Piercing by 10%.
Immunity Increase your Resistance by 15%.
Shield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation rate by 30%.
Shield's Increment Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Singularity Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Mitigation in Motion When your DAMAGE skills end, increase your damage mitigation by 10% for 10 seconds.
Anomaly Cloak Increase your Armor by 20%.
Shield's Increment Decrease the cooldown of your DECEPTION skills by 15%.
Long Odds For each enemy in Close Range, your Armor is increased by 15%.
Shield's Timeline Decrease your Shield degradation rate by 30%.
Anomaly Persistence Increases your Health by 10%.
Profit Squared Every ammo pick-up heals you for 5% of your Maximum Health.
Dualshield Increase your damage mitigation while your Shield is active by an additional 6%.
Anomaly Cloak Increase your Armor by 20%.
Disruption Shield Every activation of DECEPTION skills grants you 20% Shield.


The Reaver subclass focuses on increasing skill damage and health leeching. Note that some skills appear more than once.

Name Description
Concentration Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Disturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 10%.
Life Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Anomaly Scything Activation Melee skill increases your Anomaly Power by 30% for 5 seconds. Branches to Harbinger tree.
Concentration Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Assault Master Increases your assault weapon damage by 7% for each unlocked Concentration class node. Increase assault weapon drop chance by 12%.
Concentration Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Continuum Decrease the cooldown of your DAMAGE skills by 15%.
Concentration Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%. Branches into Harbinger tree.
Countershield Activating your DECEPTION skills increases Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.
Atrophy Weakness afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Disturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 10%.
Concentration Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Combat Shield's Timeline Activating your MOVEMENT skill increases Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.
Life Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Concentration Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Concentration Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Continuum Decrease the cooldown of your DAMAGE skills by 15%.
Leap of Clincher Activating your MOVEMENT skills increases your Resistance Piercing by 15% for 10 seconds.
Life Transfer Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Anomalic Acceleration When your DAMAGE skill ends, increase your Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.
Scion of the Void At the end of any DAMAGE skill, increase your Armor Piercing by 30% and Resistance Piercing by 25% for 10 seconds.
Scion of the Void At the end of any DAMAGE skill, increase your Armor Piercing by 30% and Resistance Piercing by 25% for 10 seconds.
Shadow's Embrace Your Firepower is increased by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
Shielded Readiness You will not be healed for each enemy that dies in Close Range. Instead, your Shield gain will be increased by an additional 20%.
Altered Executioner For each enemy in Close Range, your Anomaly Power in increased by 10%.

Have some class, will ya

That's every skill and class tree found in Outriders. Outriders is a huge game, and you'll need to master your class skills, as well as utilize your weapon mods, armor mods, and every legendary weapon you come across if you want to come out on top. Outriders is one of the best cooperative shooters on the Xbox and is another excellent addition to Xbox Game Pass's growing library.

Light 'em up


$60 at Microsoft $60 at Amazon $60 at Best Buy

Become legendary

Become an Outrider and follow a mysterious signal across the alien planet of Enoch, and make use of unique abilities and legendary weapons and armor.


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  2. Thanks! This helped me a lot. I was having a progressively harder time the deeper I got into the campaign and couldn't tell why. Those weapon perks in the top tree really changed the game for me. Something I noticed about Endless Mass is that it can act as an interrupt even though it doesn’t say. It swaps their character model for the stone, so it can prevent a boss’ charge before the attack animation plays.



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