Saturday, 13 March 2021

Achieve greatness in Minecraft Dungeons.

Minecraft Dungeons isn't just a fantastic game with fun and challenging co-op and solo gameplay; it's also an excellent target for the armies of Achievement hunters and completionists that want to 100% all of their games. Minecraft Dungeons has a solid number of Achievements, and every DLC expansion since its launch has added more. To help you get the most out of Minecraft Dungeons, we've brought together every Achievement in the game and some tips to help you complete the most difficult among them.

No matter where you play Minecraft Dungeons, or which version of Minecraft Dungeons you purchased, Minecraft Dungeons has plenty to offer. If you're playing on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, or Windows 10, you also have plenty of Achievements to earn. PS5 and PS4 players will also have their Trophies, which should mirror the Achievements in this Minecraft Dungeons Achievements guide.

The Achievements in Minecraft Dungeons include:

  • 24 Achievements in Minecraft Dungeons, which are worth 1,000 gold
  • 5 Achievements in Jungle Awakens, which are worth 130 gold
  • 5 Achievements in Creeping Winter, which are worth 120 gold
  • 10 Achievements in Howling Peaks, which are worth 250 gold
  • 10 Achievements in Flames of the Nether, which are worth 250 gold
  • 54 Achievements in total, which are worth 1,750 gold

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The next era of Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons: Season Pass

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Explore new worlds in Minecraft Dungeons.

It's been a busy first year for Minecraft Dungeons, and now the ARPG dungeon-crawling Minecraft spin-off is looking ahead towards its future, with four new expansions planned. The first two, Howling Peaks and Flames of the Nether, are available right now, but players can also grab the new Season Pass to gain immediate access to all four expansions as soon as they launch.

What is the full list of Achievements in Minecraft Dungeons?

The majority of Minecraft Dungeons' Achievements can be earned relatively easily just by playing through the game. That being said, there's also a handful of surprisingly difficult Achievements that will require specific strategies or a good deal of determination to obtain. Whether you're looking to 100% Minecraft Dungeons or you want to simply enjoy the hours of action-packed fun Minecraft Dungeons has to offer, you'll want to have a good understanding of Minecraft Dungeons and all of its content.

Fortunately, we have guides on all the mobs, weapons, armor, Uniques, and artifacts in Minecraft Dungeons. We also have a full run down on how to upgrade the Camp in Minecraft Dungeons, how to use all the vendors in Minecraft Dungeons, and even how to create an infinite emerald and XP farm in Minecraft Dungeons.

Here's a full list of all the Achievements in Minecraft Dungeons, organized by game or DLC:

Minecraft Dungeons Achievements

The base game of Minecraft Dungeons includes 24 Achievements worth a total of 1,000 gold. Since these Achievements are earned while you're learning the ropes, some of them can be quite tricky your first time around. Overall, though, Minecraft Dungeons' initial Achievements do a great job at introducing you to the game and offering some challenge without being too difficult for some players to complete.

None of these Achievements require purchasing any of Minecraft Dungeons' DLC or additional content, which means they can be completed solely through playing Minecraft Dungeons on Xbox Game Pass.

Name Description Gold value Difficulty
Life of the Party Revive a downed friend 20 times 50G Medium
Wooden Sword Defeat 50 mobs 10G Easy
Diamond Sword Defeat 2,500 mobs 30G Medium
Passive Aggressive Defeat 50 passive mobs 10G Easy
Break the Spell Defeat 50 enchanted mobs 30G Medium
Scrappy Scout Reach Level 10 10G Easy
Apprentice Adventurer Reach Level 25 30G Medium
Expert Explorer Reach Level 50 100G Hard
Fancy That! Find and open your first 'fancy' treasure chest 10G Easy
More For Me Open 100 treasure chests 30G Medium
Cha-Ching! Collect a total of 1,000 emeralds 30G Easy
Oooh! Shiny! Collect a total of 5,000 emeralds 100G Medium
Om Nom Nom Eat 200 food items 10G Easy
Happy Camper Complete Squid Coast and set up camp 10G Easy
Out of the Woods Complete Creeper Woods 10G Easy
The Plot Thickens Complete Pumpkin Pastures and Soggy Swamp 20G Medium
Built On Sand, Set in Stone Complete Redstone Mines and Cacti Canyon 50 G Medium
High and Dry Complete Desert Temple, Fiery Forge, and Highblock Halls 80G Hard
Saved the Overworld Defeat the Arch-Illager at the Obsidian Pinnacle 100G Hard
High Treason Defeat the Arch-Illager on Apocalypse difficulty 100G Very hard
Blast Radius Kill any 10 mobs at once with TNT 30G Easy
Maxed Out and Geared Up Equip a gear set consisting of fully enchanted items (3 enchantment slots upgraded to level 3) 100G Hard
Worked Like a Charm Enchant an item and upgrade the enchantment to Tier 3 20G Medium
A Friend in Need Use artifacts to summon the Wolf, Llama, and Iron Golem allies at least once each 30G Medium

Jungle Awakens Achievements

Jungle Awakens was the very first post-launch DLC for Minecraft Dungeons and includes 5 Achievements worth 130 gold. This DLC added just enough content to keep players hooked on Minecraft Dungeons until the next DLC, but didn't do a ton to add to Minecraft Dungeons' endgame. Fun fact - Jungle Awakens did not add any new Achievements when it was first released. Mojang Studios retroactively added the Achievements later on with the next DLC and update.

All of these Achievements require purchasing the Jungle Awakens expansion or Hero Pass upgrade for Minecraft Dungeons. You can also access this content if you play with a friend who has Jungle Awakens or the Hero Pass.

Name Description Gold value Difficulty
Abomination Domination Complete Overgrown Temple on Adventure or Apocalypse difficulty 50G Medium
Pandamonium Complete the Panda Plateau secret mission 20G Medium
Leader of the Pack Wear the Ocelot Armour and complete any mission featuring Ocelots without killing any of them 10G Easy
Survival Skills Complete Dingy Jungle without using a healing potion or losing a life 20G Hard
Jungle Fungus Defeat the Mooshroom Monstrosity using only gear unique to the jungle 30G Very hard

Creeping Winter Achievements

The second expansion for Minecraft Dungeons was Creeping Winter, which includes 5 Achievements worth 120 gold. Creeping Winter was the first expansion for Minecraft Dungeons that made serious improvements to the endgame by adding all-new vendors to the Camp and Daily Trials. Because Creeping Winter also added Achievements for the already-released Jungle Awakens expansion, Creeping Winter also has a limited number of Achievements.

All of these Achievements require purchasing the Creeping Winter expansion or Hero Pass upgrade for Minecraft Dungeons. You can also access this content if you play with a friend who has Creeping Winter or the Hero Pass.

Name Description Gold value Difficulty
Lone Champion Complete Lone Fortress on Adventure or Apocalypse difficulty 50G Medium
Lost in the Snow Complete the Lost Settlement secret mission 20G Medium
Smooth Operator Slide a total distance of 500 blocks on ice 10G Easy
Chill Out Defeat 5 mobs with a single Ice Wand attack 10G Easy
Frozen Fists Complete Frosted Fjord without having a melee or ranged weapon equipped at any time 30G Hard

Howling Peaks Achievements

The third expansion for Minecraft Dungeons, Howling Peaks, includes 10 Achievements worth 250 gold, and is also the first DLC included in the Minecraft Dungeons Season Pass. Howling Peaks introduced higher difficulty levels with Apocalypse Plus and added a good bit of content to the game.

Most of these Achievements require purchasing the Howling Peaks expansion or Season Pass upgrade. You can also access this content if you play with a friend who has Howling Peaks or the Season Pass. Some of these Achievements can be completed without owning Howling Peaks or the Season Pass.

Name Description Gold value Difficulty
Taming the Storm Complete Gale Sanctum on Adventure or Apocalypse difficulty 50G Medium
Rampart Rampage Complete the Colossal Rampart secret mission 20G Medium
Wooly Wisdom Find the chamber dedicated to the humble Llama and make an offering 10G Medium
Whirlwind Warrior Using the Tempest Knife, defeat 10 Mountaineer mobs within 10 seconds 10G Easy
A Taste of Their Own Medicine Using the Updraft Tome, cast Updraft on three Wind Callers at once 10G Easy
Giant Slayer Defeat a Ravager and a Squall Golem within 5 seconds of each other 20G Medium
Herd Mentality Defeat the Tempest Golem while four pets are active 20G Hard
Repeat Customer Save yourself by using the Death Barter enchantment twice in a single mission 10G Easy
Post Post-Apocalypse Complete Obsidian Pinnacle on Apocalypse Plus 5 difficulty 50G Hard
Dress for Success Complete a Daily Trial with an epic challenge while wearing Emerald Armor 50G Very hard

Flames of the Nether Achievements

The fourth expansion for Minecraft Dungeons is Flames of the Nether and includes 10 Achievements at 250 gold. Also included in the Minecraft Dungeons Season Pass, Flames of the Nether is the largest expansion yet for Minecraft Dungeons. Massive endgame changes and additions arrived with this update, including new changes to Apocalypse Plus and the addition of Ancient Hunts.

Some of these Achievements require purchasing the Flames of the Nether expansion or Season Pass upgrade. You can also access this content if you play with a friend who has Flames of the Nether or the Season Pass. Most of these Achievements do not require Flames of the Nether or the Season Pass.

Name Description Gold value Difficulty
Nether Been Better Complete Nether Wastes on Apocalypse difficulty 20G Medium
Trial by Fire Complete all secret Nether levels on any Apocalypse Plus difficulty 50G Hard
Ear Protection Recommended Activate the Gong of Weakening 6 times in 5 seconds 10G Easy
Acclaimed Acrobat Achieve 70 hits with a single activation of the Spinblade 10G Easy
Locally Sourced Have 6 merchants in your camp at once 10G Easy
A Piglin's Best Friend Collect 500 gold over time 20G Medium
Ancient Hunter Defeat 15 different ancient mobs 50G Hard
Homecoming During Ancient Hunts, bring a wolf, a bat and a soul entity to visit familiar locations 10G Easy
Seriously Overpowered Equip a gilded, Unique, fully enchanted weapon 20G Hard
Back to Back Complete two Ancient Hunts and two Daily Trials, in two-player co-op, on the second day of the month 50G Very hard

How do I earn the hardest Achievements in Minecraft Dungeons?

While most of Minecraft Dungeons' achievements require nothing more than enjoying all the game has to offer, there are a few that require further explanation. Fortunately, you have us here to do all the legwork and leave you with all the solutions. We're hard at work compiling all of the answers into handy guides, which we'll put here for your convenience.

Since players tackling Achievements from Minecraft Dungeons' base game are likely new to the game and still learning how to master Minecraft Dungeons, we've scaled their difficulty up accordingly in our Minecraft Dungeons Achievements guide.

Here are some of the hardest Achievements to earn in Minecraft Dungeons, and how to earn them:

Medium difficulty

Life of the Party: This Achievement needs you to be playing with friends. Whenever a friend or ally is knocked down in combat, you'll have precious moments to revive them and bring them back into the fold. Repeating this twenty times means ensuring you know how to play with friends in Minecraft Dungeons co-op, and how to enable cross-play in Minecraft Dungeons.

Diamond Sword: The only prerequisite to earn this Achievement is the merciless slaughter of hostile mobs. Playing through the game will inch you closer to this Achievement, but getting all the way to 2,500 may require more than one playthrough or replays of older levels at increasingly higher difficulties.

Break the Spell: Enchanted mobs are extra powerful hostile mobs with additional abilities and powers. Certain combinations can be absolutely devastating, and even normal mobs can be enchanted with the help of an Enchanter. Enchanted mobs become more common at higher difficulties, so get a leg up by learning how to enchant your gear in Minecraft Dungeons.

Apprentice Adventurer: Every mob you kill, boss you defeat, and level you complete nets you some XP. You'll need quite a bit to reach Level 25, which is the requirement to earn this particular Achievement. You'll level up through playing the game, but you can read our guide on leveling up to get some more tips, like replaying older levels at higher difficulties. Keep playing, and you'll reach Level 25 in no time!

More For Me: Scattered throughout the many levels in Minecraft Dungeons are hidden secret (and not-so-secret) chests that contain valuable loot and emeralds. Finding these chests requires diligence, patience, and just a little bit of luck. Still, fortunately, we have all the info you need on how to find all the secret chests in Minecraft Dungeons.

Oooh! Shiny!: Emeralds is the currency used in Minecraft Dungeons for buying better equipment, important for achieving the highest level of power you can. Obtaining 5,000 emeralds, however, takes quite a bit of time. Fortunately, that's all it takes. Want to collect all the emeralds you need as fast as possible? We have a guide on how to set-up an infinite emerald and XP farm in Minecraft Dungeons.

The Plot Thickens: Completing "the Plot Thickens" just means completing the third and fourth levels in the game, Pumpkin Pastures and Soggy Swamp. This achievement earns the "medium difficulty" tag because these levels are when the first bosses are introduced to the game. Firstly, you'll need to know how to defeat the Evoker mini-boss in Minecraft Dungeons. Next, you'll need to know how to defeat the Corrupted Cauldron boss in Minecraft Dungeons.

Built On Sand, Set in Stone: This Achievement continues through the story, requiring you to take on increasingly difficult mobs, challenges, and bosses. Take on the tough ambushes and puzzles of Cacti Canyon and the perilous Redstone Mines and its infamous spawners. Fortunately, we have a guide on how to defeat the Redstone Golem mini-boss in Minecraft Dungeons at the end of Redstone Mines.

Worked Like a Charm: This Achievement requires finding, equipping, and fully upgrading any piece of gear with three enchantment slots, which only happens at higher difficulties. Enchanting gear in Minecraft Dungeons requires leveling up and gaining enchanting points, which means playing through the game to earn XP. Each enchantment type has three tiers to unlock, which each successive tier requiring more enchantment points.

A Friend in Need: Minecraft Dungeons features different companions that will aid you in battle if you summon them. The three main companions are the wolf, llama, and iron golem. Each companion has a unique artifact that's required to summon them, after which they'll battle alongside you. This Achievement is actually very easy to finish. The hard part is simply finding the artifacts necessary for each companion, and then using them, as one only appears at higher difficulties.

Abomination Domination: By the time you start playing through the Jungle Awakens expansion, you're probably already pretty familiar with the game. You'll need to use all of your skills to defeat new enemies like the Leapleaf and Whisper to reach the final boss - the Jungle Abomination. This tough boss has incredibly strong close-range attacks, area control abilities, and an absurdly huge health bar. Take the fight slow, and go in with plenty of arrows if you can.

Pandamonium: This Achievement means finding and completing the secret mission for Jungle Awakens. In order to unlock Panda Plateau, you'll first need to carefully explore the Dingy Jungle level for an area filled with panda statues and then survive three tough ambushes to have a chance at playing the secret mission. Panda Plateau is quite a long mission, but experienced players should be able to tackle it with aplomb.

Lone Champion: Once you've completed Jungle Awakens, it's time to move on to Creeping Winter. Creeping Winter is arguably even more difficult than Jungle Awakens, with longer and more intense missions, but the final boss is a little easier. Avoid its slow-moving ranged attacks and don't let its summoned wraiths build up, as they can become a hassle. Take advantage of periodic pauses in its attacks to deal serious damage.

Lost in the Snow: The next Achievement for Creeping Winter means finding and completing the Lost Settlement secret level. In Frosted Fjord, you'll have to navigate a labyrinth of doors, areas, and even flooded passages to find Lost Settlement. Lost Settlement itself isn't the longest mission in the world, but features some tough environments, puzzles, and ambushes.

Taming the Storm: The third expansion for Minecraft Dungeons is Howling Peaks, a gorgeous DLC filled with new enemies, puzzles, and verticality, the likes of which we've never seen in Minecraft Dungeons. To obtain this Achievement, you'll need to beat the final boss in Howling Peaks. Watch out for their devastating close-range attacks, and be especially mindful of your surroundings with this fight.

Rampart Rampage: The secret level for Howling Peaks isn't guaranteed to spawn every time and is a bit more hidden than other secret level locations. In Windswept Peaks, explore every nook and cranny for a secluded drop-down area. Once you've found the elusive secret level, you'll need to complete it in order to complete this Achievement.

Wooly Wisdom: This Achievement is a bit of a tricky one, because you don't get any clear indication of what you're supposed to do. In the final level of Howling Peaks, Gale Sanctum, there's a locked chamber. In order for the chamber to open, you have to be careful not to kill any llamas in the level. If no llamas have died when you reach that point, the chamber will open and a wind-based puzzle will reward you with a fancy chest.

Giant Slayer: Howling Peaks features two new big mobs with the Squall Golem and Ravager. Both mobs can dish out devastating damage, and have absurdly long health bars. In order to complete this Achievement, you'll need to kill one of each within five seconds. How do you accomplish this? Divide and conquer, using rolls and arrows to chip away at the health of both, before finishing them off at around the same time.

Nether Been Better: Once you reach the massive Flames of the Nether expansion, you'll almost certainly be at the Apocalypse difficulty already. To complete this Achievement, you just need to complete the Nether Wastes level at this high difficulty. Your first run through may be rough due to new threats like rushing hoglins and wither skeletons that deal damage over time. Take it slow, explore, and tackle each new threat with care.

A Piglin's Best Friend: Gold was added as a new currency in Minecraft Dungeons. In order to complete this Achievement, you'll need to collect over 500 pieces of gold in total. This is a time-consuming task but is best accomplished by tackling Ancient Hunts, where gold is most common. You can also find gold in other Flames of the Nether missions.

Hard difficulty

Expert Explorer: The "Expert Explorer" Achievements takes the difficulty of the "Apprentice Adventurer" Achievement and more than doubles it, requiring you to reach player Level 50. At that point, you should be extremely powerful, but you'll also need to severely up the power of your opponents to continue to gain enough XP to be worth the hassle. This means replaying levels at higher difficulties, and making sure your gear is as good as possible with enchantments.

High and Dry: The first story-based Achievement that earns the "hard difficulty" tag, if only because in the three levels you need to complete for this Achievement, you'll face two full bosses. This ends up being major challenge after major challenge leading up to the final boss. Fortunately, we battled the two baddies for you, so we know how to defeat the Nameless One boss in Minecraft Dungeons, and how to defeat the Redstone Monstrosity in Minecraft Dungeons.

Saved the Overworld: After all this time, you're finally here: facing the intimidating Arch-Illager as your final opponent in Minecraft Dungeons. This means you need to best possible gear to have a decent chance of beating this (slightly) over-the-top final boss. Fortunately the Arch-Illager isn't impossible the first time you face them (although they get progressively more powerful through higher difficulties). Still, we have a guide on how to defeat the Arch-Illager final boss in Minecraft Dungeons if you need some advice.

Maxed Out and Geared Up: This is one of the harder Achievements in Minecraft Dungeons, if only because it's time-consuming to accomplish. Having fully maxed-out gear is incredibly useful, and significantly increases your overall power and ability in the game. Doing this just means replaying older levels to gain XP and earn nicer gear through looting, carefully selecting which weapon, armor, or unique gear you want to power up, then investing the enchanting points earned through levelling up. You'll need a lot to fully max out a piece of gear, and not every gear can do it.

Survival Skills: On its surface, Survival Skills seems like an impossible Achievement. Complete Dingy Jungle from Jungle Awakens without using any healing potions or losing a life? Players have two options here: doing this legitimately means using a build that minimizes damage and has healing (like Radiance or Leeching) on its weapons, or some healing artifacts. Alternatively, players can also massively lower the difficulty on the level and rush through the level.

Frozen Fists: The Frozen Fists Achievement is similar to the Survival Skills Achievement in its difficulty. You have to complete Frozen Fjord from Creeping Winter with no melee or ranged weapons. Players can either build a loadout that focuses on artifacts like souls or companions, or lower the difficulty to the point where you don't even need weapons to win.

Herd Mentality: Defeating the Tempest Golem from Howling Peaks is tough enough as it is, but doing it while keeping four companions alive and healthy? Devise a pet-focused loadout with healing abilities for your companions, or lower the difficulty and weaken the Tempest Golem massively. Bees are also very useful here, since you can summon multiple of them with each bee-related ability.

Post Post-Apocalypse: Once you've beaten the Arch-Illager on Apocalypse difficulty, you unlock the challenging and uncertain era of Apocalypse Plus, which massively increases the difficulty once again. To complete this Achievement, you need to revisit the Arch-Illager on Apocalypse Plus 5 difficulty. Need a refresher? Here's how to defeat the Arch-Illager final boss in Minecraft Dungeons.

Trial by Fire: Just completing one secret level while on Apocalypse Plus difficulty is hard enough, but the Flames of the Nether DLC actually has three secret levels. You need to find all three of them, and then complete them on some of the hardest difficulties in the entire game. Ensure your loadout is focused, and that you're not punching too far above your power level when you choose your difficulty.

Ancient Hunter: Ancient Hunts are brand-new additions to Minecraft Dungeons, as part of Flames of the Nether. The focus of Ancient Hunts is simple: find and defeat Ancient mobs to be rewarded with extremely rare and powerful Gilded gear. To complete this Achievement, you'll need to defeat fifteen Ancient mobs. This will be tough, as not only does this mean completing multiple Ancient Hunts, but it means challenging some of the most powerful and dangerous mobs in the entire game.

Seriously Overpowered: The Seriously Overpowered Achievement also has to do with Ancient Hunts. In order to complete this Achievement, you'll need to defeat Ancient mobs until you find a Unique Gilded gear with three enchantment slots. Then, you need to fully upgrade that Unique Gilded gear to the max and equip it. Seeing as this is the best gear in the entire game, it'll likely take multiple attempts and decent amount of time to complete this Achievement.

Very hard difficulty

High Treason: This is the only Achievement in the base Minecraft Dungeons game that we felt deserved the "very hard difficulty" tag. The Arch-Illager is a difficult boss in their own right, but at the Apocalypse difficulty can obliterate even well-equipped players in a matter of seconds. Even entire parties aren't immune to their sweeping area-of-effect attacks. You'll need to have a focused loadout, fully upgraded gear, and be intimately familiar with the Arch-Illager from defeating them at lower difficulties to have a chance. In case you need the help, we have a full guide on how to defeat the Arch-Illager final boss on Apocalypse difficulty in Minecraft Dungeons.

Jungle Fungus: This Achievement has earned the "very hard" moniker, as it requires players to uncover the ultimate secret level in Minecraft Dungeons, visit the Jungle Awakens expansion long enough to build a competent and complete loadout with Jungle Awakens-only gear, and then return to the ??? secret level and beat the powerful Mooshroom Monstrosity. Fortunately, the hardest part of this we have a guide on: here's how to unlock the secret cow level in Minecraft Dungeons.

Dress for Success: In Creeping Winter, Minecraft Dungeons added new Daily Trials. These were the same missions that players knew and loved, but with unique modifiers and rewards to mix up gameplay and add challenge. To complete this Achievement, you need to find the elusive Emerald Armor from Howling Peaks, and then complete one of the hardest Daily Trials in the game - one with an Epic Challenge level. Make sure your weapons and artifacts are as good as they can possibly be before attempting this, and keep a close eye on what the modifiers are for your Daily Trial - different loadouts work with different Daily Trials.

Back to Back: This Achievement earned itself the "very hard" difficulty because of how exact it is. Playing with a friend in co-op, you need to complete two Ancient Hunts and two Daily Trials. This by itself is already several hours of work (and can be quite challenging). However, in order to complete this Achievement, you also need to do all of this on the second of the month. Set your calendars early.

Make it easy to earn every Achievement in Minecraft Dungeons by investing in one of the Best Headsets for Xbox Series X|S, which guarantee you'll never miss a beat. Find the perfect gift for yourself or a fellow Minecraft fan with something from our list of Best Merch, Toys, and Gifts for Minecraft.

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