Portable apps make GNU/Linux computer easier to users. Do you know AppImages? They are portable applications you can download officially and run on your GNU/Linux computers. Lately, I found more prestigious Free Software apps proudly made available as AppImages for example Enve2D (animation), Digikam (photography), Zulip (communication), even FlightGear and Red Eclipse (games) among others as mentioned below. Now let's see and quickly get them all!
(Big software such as FlightGear game is now in AppImage | Image source)
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For whom this is?
How To Play
Double click an AppImage file after making it executable. See here for a guide.
Everyone should have a password manager so they does not need to remember many accounts. KeePassXC is the exact reality of that, it helps you save your usernames, passwords, emails, bank accounts, etc. with a key password only you know. Fortunately, now it is AppImage, you can download and run it instantly.
Communication & File Sharing
Session | Zulip | RetroShare | StatusIM
Digikam | Rawtherapee | Enve2D
Good news comes again and again from Graphics front. Now Digikam (photo manager & processing like Lightroom), Rawtherapee (raw photo processing), and Enve (2D animation maker) can be downloaded as AppImages for your GNU and Linux computers.
(A pretty sight of Rawtherapee the darkroom photo tool | Image source)Video Production
Kdenlive | Cinelerra | Olive | OpenShot
FlightGear | OpenRA | Red Eclipse
Earlier Applications
So we will not forget, there were several important Free Software apps which already in AppImages officially before these above. They are:
- our office suite LibreOffice
- the illustrator Inkscape
- the painter Krita
- the gif screencaster Peek
Interesting Links
Finally, to close this article you can learn & benefir more from AppImages by seeing these interesting links:
Apprepo - the new AppImageHub.
AppImageHub - curated list of AppImages you can download. Think of this like Softpedia or Majorgeeks but for GNU/Linux instead.
The AppImage Project - the source of this magic. Thank you very much Probono for inventing it.
Let's be productive!
This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Originally posted here: https://ift.tt/2NcWW6b
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