Thursday 10 December 2020

The skills you'll need to conquer Night City.

Cyberpunk 2077 offers an expansive world for players to explore, but in order to survive the brutality of this dark future, you'll need to upgrade yourself and increase your lethality wherever possible. We've compiled a full list of the perks, skills, and attributes available in Cyberpunk 2077.

We've broken down how stats and attributes work, but the most important thing to understand is that there are five major attributes to worry about: Body, Reflexes, Technical Ability, Cool, and Intelligence. In Cyberpunk 2077, you'll unlock a new perk point and an attribute point whenever you level up. This means you can upgrade an attribute as a whole while also unlocking particular perks in sub-categories.

Almost as big as the list of perks and abilities in Cyberpunk 2077 is the amount of collectibles, gifts, and merchandise available for this colossal game. We went through the pile, so if you're looking for something for yourself or a friend, consider one of the Best Cyberpunk 2077 Collectibles and Merch.

Jump to:

Cyberpunk 2077 attributes: Body

Body refers to what you think it does: your physical prowess. This attribute affects your health and stamina, along with upping your melee damage. If you like to use your fists in combat, want to move quickly, or want to go full tank, put your points here. You can also put your points in certain perks to gain interesting abilities with ranged weapons.


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Hard Motherf***er ○ When entering combat, Armor and Resistances increase by 10% for 10 seconds
○ Increases by 1% per Perk level
○ Requires Level 20 in Athletics Perk
Soft On Your Feet ○ Reduces fall damage by 5%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Body Attribute
True Grit ○ Increases max Stamina by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 5 in Body Attribute
Epimorphosis ○ Health regenerates up to 70% of max Health outside of combat
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Body Attribute
Like a Butterfly ○ Dodging does not drain Stamina
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Body Attribute
Multitasker ○ Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Body Attribute
Transporter ○ Allows you to shoot with Pistols and Revolvers or sprint while carrying a body
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Body Attribute
Wolverine ○ Health regen activates 50% faster during combat
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 16 in Body Attribute
Marathoner ○ Sprinting does not drain Stamina
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 14 in Body Attribute
Dog of War ○ Increases Health regen in combat by 15%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 16 in Body Attribute
Invincible ○ Increases max Health by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 5 in Body Attribute
Regeneration ○ Health slowly regenerates during combat
○ Passive
Pack Mule ○ Increases carrying capacity by 60
○ Passive
Divided Attention ○ Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Body Attribute
Steel and Chrome ○ Increases melee damage by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Body Attribute
Gladiator ○ Reduces the amount of Stamina consumed when blocking melee attacks by 20%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Body Attribute
Human Shield ○ Increases Armor by 20% when grappling an enemy
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 14 in Body Attribute
Stronger Together ○ Increases damage you deal while carrying a body
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Body Attribute
Cardio Cure ○ Health regenerates 25% faster as you move
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Body Attribute
The Rock ○ Enemies cannot knock you down
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 20 in Body Attribute
Steel Shell ○ Increases Armor by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 18 in Body Attribute
Indestructible ○ Reduces all incoming damage by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 20 in Body Attribute


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Bloodbath ○ Dismembering enemies reduces weapon recoil by 50% for 6 seconds
○ +1% per Perk level
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 20 in Annihilation perk
Bulldozer ○ Increases Crit Chance with Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Body attribute
Bloodrush ○ Increases movement speed in combat by 5% while carrying a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Body attribute
Dead Center ○ Increases damage to torsos by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Body attribute
Unstoppable ○ Dismembering an enemy increases fire rate by 10% for 8 seconds
○ Stacks up to 3 times
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 14 in Body attribute
Skeet Shooter ○ Deal 15% more damage to moving targets
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Body attribute
Heavy Lead ○ Shotguns and Light Machine Guns knock back enemies with more force
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Body attribute
Biathlete ○ Weapon spread does not increase while moving
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 20 in Body attribute
Hit the Deck ○ Increases damage to staggered and knocked-down enemies by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 18 in Body attribute
Poppin' Off ○ Shotguns have a 25% higher chance of dismembering enemies
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 18 in Body attribute
In Your Face ○ Reduces reload time of Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 20%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 5 in Body attribute
Hail of Bullets ○ Shotguns and Light Machine Guns deal 3% more damage
○ Passive
Pump It, Louder! ○ Reduces recoil of Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 5 in Body attribute
Massacre ○ Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 15%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Body attribute
Mongoose ○ Increases Evasion by 25% while reloading
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Body attribute
Momentum Shift ○ Defeating an enemy increases movement speed by 10% for 10 seconds
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 11 in Body attribute
Burn Baby Burn ○ Doubles the duration of Burn
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 16 in Body attribute
Manic ○ When entering combat, your movement speed increases by 20% for 10 seconds
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 14 in Body attribute
Speed Demon ○ You deal more damage the faster you're moving
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 16 in Body attribute

Street Brawler

Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Guerilla ○ Increases Crit Damage by 60% for 10 seconds after entering combat
○ Increases by 2% per Perk level
○ Requires Level 20 in Street Brawler Perk
Efficient Blows ○ Reduces the Stamina cost of all attacks with Blunt Weapons by 25%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 6 in Body Attribute
Relentless ○ Successful attacks with Blunt Weapons against enemies affected by Stun restore 20% Stamina
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 12 in Body Attribute
Reinvigorate ○ Defeating an enemy by performing a Strong Attack with a Blunt Weapon restores 10% Stamina
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 10 in Body Attribute
Breathing Space ○ Increases Stamina regeneration while blocking with Blunt Weapons by 50%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Body Attribute
Unshakable ○ Successful attacks with Blunt Weapons against enemies affected by Stun restore 5% Health and 5% Stamina
○ Active
○ Requires Level 18 in Body Attribute
Juggernaut ○ Increases Armor by 15% while blocking with a Blunt Weapon
○ Passive
Flurry ○ Increases damage from combo attacks with Blunt Weapons by 30%
○ Passive
Crushing Blows ○ Increases damage from Strong Attacks with Blunt Weapons by 30%
○ Passive
Payback ○ Increases damage with Blunt Weapons by 1% for every 1% of missing Health
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 10 in Body Attribute
Human Fortress ○ Reduces the Stamina cost of blocking attacks by 50% while using a Blunt Weapon
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 8 in Body Attribute
Opportune Strike ○ Increases damage with Blunt Weapons against enemies affected by Stun by 50%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 8 in Body Attribute
Biding Time ○ Blocking attacks with a Blunt Weapon restores 5% Health
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 18 in Body Attribute
Frenzy ○ Defeating an enemy increases damage with Blunt Weapons by 100% for 10 seconds
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 15 in Body Attribute
Thrash ○ Strong Attacks with Blunt Weapons reduce the target's Armor by 30% for 10 seconds
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 15 in Body Attribute
Dazed ○ All attacks with Blunt Weapons have a 15% chance to apply Stun
○ Passive
Rush ○ Successful attacks with Blunt Weapons regenerate 3% Health over 2 seconds
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 5 in Body Attribute

Cyberpunk 2077 attributes: Reflexes

Reflexes mostly have to deal with movement speed, but putting points in this attribute also increases your Crit chance in combat. The perks in this attribute all have to do with different weapons, the damage they deal, how much recoil you have, and more.


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Punisher ○ After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or Submachine Gun, weapon sway is nullified and weapon spread does not increase for 10 sec
○ +0.2 sec per Perk level
○ Requires level 20 in Assault to unlock
Executioner ○ Deal 25% more damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns to enemies whose health is above 50%
○ Passive
○ Level 7 Reflexes required to unlock
Too Close for Comfort ○ Quick Melee Attacks with Rifles and Submachine Guns deal 50% more damage
○ Passive
Bullseye ○ Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage by 10%
○ Passive
○ Level 7 Reflexes required to unlock
Hunter's Hands ○ Reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 20% when firing from behind cover
○ Passive
○ Level 12 Reflexes required to unlock
Feel the Flow ○ Reduces reload time for Rifles and Submachine Guns by 10%
○ Passive
○ Level 11 Reflexes required to unlock
Trench Warfare ○ Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage by 5% when firing from behind cover
○ Passive
○ Level 12 Reflexes required to unlock
Long Shot ○ Rifle and Submachine Gun damage increases the farther you are located from enemies
○ Passive
○ Level 18 Reflexes required to unlock
Recoil Wrangler ○ Reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 10%
○ Passive
○ Level 16 Reflexes required to unlock
In Perspective ○ Bullets fired from Rifles and Submachine Guns ricochet an additional 2 times
○ Passive
○ Level 18 Reflexes required to unlock
Covering Killshot ○ Increases crit chance with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 10% when firing from behind cover
○ Passive
Bulletjock ○ Increases damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 3%
○ Passive
Eagle Eye ○ Reduces time to aim down sight with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 10%
○ Passive
Nerves of Steel ○ Increases headshot damage with Sniper Rifles and Precision Rifles by 20%
○ Passive
○ Level 11 Reflexes required to unlock
Shoot, Reload, Repeat ○ Defeating an enemy with a Rifle or Submachine Gun reduces reload time by 20% for 5 sec
○ Level 9 Reflexes required to unlock
Duck Hunter ○ Increases RIfle and Submachine Gun damage to moving enemies by 10%
○ Passive
○ Level 9 Reflexes required to unlock
Bunker ○ Increases Armor and Resistances by 15% when shooting with Rifles and Submachine Guns from behind cover
○ Passive
○ Level 16 Reflexes required to unlock
Skull Skipper ○ Each headshot reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 5% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 5 times
○ Trigger
○ Level 14 Reflexes required to unlock
Named Bullets ○ Increases Crit Damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 35%
○ Passive
○ Level 14 Reflexes required to unlock
Savage Stoic ○ Increases damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 35% when standing still
○ Passive
○ Level 20 Reflexes required to unlock


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly ○ After a successful Critical Hit with a Pistol or Revolver, damage and Armor increase by 30% for 5 seconds
○ Increases by 1% per Perk Level
○ Requires Level 20 in Handguns Perk
Long Shot Drop Pop ○ Increases damage with Pistols and Revolvers to enemies 5+ meteres away by 15%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Reflexes Attribute
Desperado ○ Increases damage with Pistols and Revolvers
○ Passive
On the Fly ○ Reduces draw / holster time for Pistols and Revolvers by 25%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Reflexes Attribute
Grand Finale ○ The last round in a Pistol or Revolver clip deals double damage
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Reflexes Attribute
A Fistful of Eurodollars ○ Increases Critical Damage with Pistols and Revolvers by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Reflexes Attribute
From Head to Toe ○ Increases damage to limbs with Pistols and Revolvers by 7%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Reflexes Attribute
Lead Sponge ○ Enables you to shoot with Pistols and Revolvers while dodging
○ Active
○ Requires Level 18 in Reflexes Perk
Snowball Effect ○ After defeating an enemy, fire rate for Pistols and Revolvers increases by 5% for 6 seconds
○ Stacks up to 5 times
○ Requires Level 16 in Reflexes Attribute
Westworld ○ Increases Critical Chance for Pistols and Revolvers by 10% if fully modded
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 16 in Reflexes Attribute
Rio Bravo ○ Increases headshot damage multiplier with Pistols and Revolvers by 10%
○ Passive
Gunslinger ○ Reduces reload time for Pistols and Revolvers by 10%
○ Passive
High Noon ○ Increases Critical Chance with Pistols and Revolvers by 4%
○ Passive
Vanishing Point ○ Evasion increases by 25% for 6 seconds after performing a dodge with a Pistol or Revolver equipped
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 9 in Reflexes Attribute
Steady Hand ○ Reduces Pistol and Revolver recoil by 30%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Reflexes Attribute
O.K. Corral ○ Deal 50% more damage with Pistols and Revolvers to enemies whose Health is below 25%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Reflexes Attribute
Wild West ○ Removes the damage penalty from Pistols and Revolvers when shooting from a distance
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 14 in Reflexes Attribute
Acrobat ○ You can now perform dodges while aiming a Pistol or Revolver
○ Active
○ Requires Level 12 in Reflexes Attribute
Attritional Fire ○ Firing consecutive shots with a Pistol or Revolver at the same target increases damage by 10%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 14 in Reflexes Attribute
Brainpower ○ After a successful headshot with a Pistol or Revolver, Critical Chance increases by 25% for 5 seconds
○ Trigger
○ Requires Level 20 in Reflexes Attribute


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Dragon Strike ○ Increases Crit Damage with Blades by 25%
○ +1% per Perk level
○ Perk requires Level 20 Blades to unlock
Offensive Defense ○ Defensive Attacks with Blades deal 200% more damage
○ Passive
Slow and Steady ○ Armor is increased by 15% while moving
○ Passive
Flight of the Sparrow ○ Reduces the Stamina cost of all attacks with Blades by 30%
○ Passive
Bloodlust ○ While wielding a Blade, recovers 7% health when applying Bleeding to an enemy or hitting an enemy affected by Bleeding
○ Trigger
○ Level 12 Reflexes required to unlock
unbroken Spirit ○ Successful Counterattacks with Blades restore 25% Health and Stamina
○ Passive
○ Level 10 Reflexes required to unlock
Float Like a Butterfly ○ Dodging increases damage with Blades by 25% for 5 sec
○ Passive
○ Level 12 Reflexes required to unlock
Deathbolt ○ While wielding a Blade, defeating an enemy restores 20% Health and increases movement speed by 30% for 5 sec
○ Trigger
○ Level 18 Reflexes required
Crimson Dance ○ Combos with Blades have a 15% to apply Bleeding
○ Passive
Sting Like a Bee ○ Increases attack speed with Blades by 10%
○ Passive
Roaring Waters ○ Strong Attacks with Blades deal 30% more damage
○ Passive
Blessed Blade ○ Increases Crit Chance with Blades by 20%
○ Passive
○ Level 10 Reflexes required to unlock
Stuck Pig ○ Increases Bleeding duration by 3 sec
○ Passive
○ Level 8 Reflexes required to unlock
Shifting Sands ○ Dodging recovers 15% Stamina
○ Passive
○ Level 8 Reflexes required to unlock
Steady Hand ○ Reduces Pistol and Revolver recoil by 30%
○ Passive
○ Level 9 Reflexes required to unlock
Fiery Blast ○ Increases damage with Blades by 1% for every 1% of health the enemy is missing
○ Passive
○ Level 16 Reflexes required to unlock
Judge, Jury and Executioner ○ Increases damage with Blades by 50% against enemies with full health
○ Passive
○ Level 15 Reflexes required to unlock

Cyberpunk 2077 attributes: Technical Ability

The Technical Ability attribute increases your skills in crafting and engineering. The former is self-explanatory (although still complicated in Cyberpunk 2077), while the latter pertains to your proficiency in using grenades, tech weapons, and even in gaining resistance from certain types of damage.


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Waste Not Want Not ○ When disassembling an item, you get attached mods back
○ Level 16 Technical Ability required
Mechanic ○ Gain more components when disassembling
○ Passive
True Craftsman ○ Allows you to craft Rare items
○ Passive
Workshop ○ Disassembling items grants a chance to gain a free component of the same quality
○ Passive
Innovation ○ Consumables are 25% more effective
○ Passive
Grease Monkey ○ Allows you to craft Epic items
○ Passive
Efficient Upgrades ○ Grants a 10% chance to upgrade an item for free
○ Passive
Cost Optimization ○ Reduces component cost of crafting items by 15%
○ Passive
Sapper ○ Grenades deal 10% more damage
○ Passive
Edgerunner Artisan ○ Allows you to craft Legendary items
○ Passive
Cutting Edge ○ Improves damage and all damage-related stats of crafted weapons by 5%
○ Passive
Crazy Science ○ Increases the sale price of crafted items by 10%
○ +1% per Perk level
Ex Nihilo ○ Grants a 20% chance to craft an item for free
○ Passive
Tune-Up ○ Allows you to upgrade lower quality components into higher quality ones
○ Passive
Let There Be Light! ○ Reduces the component cost of upgrading items by 10%
○ Passive
Field Technician ○ Crafted Weapons deal 2.5% more damage
○ Passive
200% Efficiency ○ Crafted clothes gain 2.5% more armor
○ Passive
Scrapper ○ Junk items are automatically disassembled
○ Passive


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Mech Looter ○ When looting drones, mechs, and robots, there is a 25% chance of looting a weapon mod or attachment
○ Passive
Blast Shielding ○ Reduces damage taken from explosions by 10%
○ Passive
Can't Touch This ○ Grants immunity to all effects from your own grenades
○ Passive
Revamp ○ Increases damage from Tech weapons by 25%
○ Increases charge damage from all chargeable weapons and cyberware by 10%
○ +1% charge damage per Perk level
Bladerunner ○ Increases damage to drones, mechs, and robots by 20%
○ Passive
Grenadier ○ The explosion radius of grenades is visible
○ Passive
Shrapnel ○ All grenade types deal 20 damage in addition to their normal effects
○ Passive
Lightning Bolt ○ Increases Crit Chance with Tech weapons by 3%
○ Passive
Tesla ○ Increases the charge multiplier for Tech weapons by 15%
○ Passive
Ãœbercharge ○ Fully charged Tech weapons deal 50% more damage
○ Passive
Jackpot ○ Enables grenades to deal Crit Hits
○ Passive
Play the Angles ○ Ricochets deal an additional 50% damage
○ Passive
Lickety Split ○ Tech weapon charge time is reduced by 10%
○ Passive
Lock and Load ○ Increases Smart weapon reload speed by 5%
○ Passive
Up to 11 ○ Allows you to charge Tech weapons up to greater capacities
○ Passive
Bigger Booms ○ Grenades deal 5% more damage
○ Passive
F*** All Walls ○ Reduces the charge amount needed for Tech weapons to penetrate walls by 30%
○ Passive
Insulation ○ Grants immunity to Shock
○ Passive
Gun Whisperer ○ Fully charged Tech weapons do not shoot automatically
○ Passive
Superconductor ○ Tech weapons ignore Armor
○ Passive

Cyberpunk 2077 attributes: Cool

If you want to play stealth, you have to put your points in Cool. It determines your effectiveness in stealth situations, but it also increases your stealth damage and resistance. Also, check out the Cold Blood perks for some quickhack abilities.


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Toxicology ○ Increases the duration of Poison applied to enemies by 5 seconds
○ +0.2 sec per perk level
○ Level 20 Stealth required to unlock
Assassin ○ Deal 15% more damage to human enemies
○ Passive
○ Level 7 Cool required to unlock
Dagger Dealer ○ Allows you to throw knives
○ Active
Strike from the Shadows ○ Increases your Crit Chance by 15% while sneaking
○ Passive
○ Level 7 Cool required to unlock
Stunning Blows ○ Quick melee attacks with ranged weapons stagger enemies, giving you an opportunity to grapple them
○ Trigger
○ Level 11 Cool required to unlock
Clean Work ○ You can pick up an enemy's body immediately after performing a takedown
○ Active
○ Level 11 Cool required to unlock
Aggressive Antitoxins ○ Grants immunity to poisons
○ Passive
○ Level 11 Cool required to unlock
Restorative Shadows ○ While in stealth, increases Health regen by 25%
○ Passive
○ Level 16 Cool required to unlock
Rattlesnake ○ Enemies affected by poison are slowed
○ Passive
○ Level 14 Cool required to unlock
Venomous Fangs ○ All knives apply poison
○ Passive
○ Level 14 Cool Required to unlock
Hasten the Inevitable ○ Deal 20% more damage to enemies affected by poison
○ Passive
○ Level 18 Cool required to unlock
Cheat Death ○ When your health drops below 50%, reduce all incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds, cannot occur more than once per minute
○ Trigger
○ Level 18 Cool required to unlock
Ninjutsu ○ Crouch attacks from stealth with melee weapons deal 100% more damage and guarantee a Crit Hit
○ Passive
○ Level 20 Cool required to unlock
Hidden Dragon ○ Allows you to perform non-lethal aerial takedowns on unaware targets
○ Active
Silent and Deadly ○ Increase damage dealt by silenced weapons by 25% while sneaking
○ Passive
Crouching Tiger ○ Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20%
○ Passive
Cutthroat ○ Thrown knives deal 30% more damage
○ Passive
○ Level 9 Cool Required to unlock
Leg Up ○ Movement speed after a successful takedown is increased 30% for 10 seconds
○ Trigger
○ Level 7 Cool required to unlock
Sniper ○ Increases damage from headshots fired from outside combat by 30%
○ Passive
○ Level 9 Cool required to unlock
Commando ○ You cannot be detected underwater
○ Passive
○ Level 14 Cool required to unlock
Ghost ○ Detection time is increased by 20%
○ Passive
○ Level 12 Cool required to unlock
From the Shadows ○ Upon entering combat, Crit Chance increases by 25% for 7 seconds
○ Trigger
○ Level 12 Cool required to unlock
Neurotoxin ○ Damage from poison is doubled
○ Passive
○ Level 18 Cool required to unlock
Hasty Retreat ○ Temporarily boosts movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds when detected by an enemy
○ Trigger
○ Level 16 Cool required to unlock
Silent Finisher ○ Enemies with less than 15% health are defeated instantly when attacked with a Knife, does not work on enemies with a Very High threat level
○ Passive
○ Level 16 Cool required to unlock

Cold Blood

Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Merciless ○ While Cold Blood is active, increases Critical Chance by 10% and Critical Damage by 25%
○ Increases by 1% Critical Chance and 3% Critical Damage per Perk Level
○ Requires Level 20 in Cold Blood Perk
Defensive Clotting ○ Increases Armor by 10% per stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Cool Attribute
Critical Condition ○ Increases duration of Cold Blood by 5 seconds
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Cool Attribute
Frosty Synapses ○ Reduces quickhack cooldowns by 3% per stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 7 in Coold Blood Perk
Quick Transfer ○ Reduces quickhack upload time by 1% per stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Cold Blood Perk
Predator ○ Increases attack speed by 10% per stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Cold Blood Perk
Blood Brawl ○ While Cold Blood is active, increases damage with melee weapons by 5%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 12 in Cold Blood Perk
Immunity ○ While Cold Blood is active, you are immune to Bleeding, Poison, Burn, and Shock
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 20 in Cold Blood Perk
Unbreakable ○ Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 16 in Cold Blood Perk
Pain is an Illusion ○ While Cold Blood is active, reduces damage taken by 5%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 18 in Cold Blood Perk
Icy Veins ○ Reduces weapon recoil by 2.5% per stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
Cold Blood ○ After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 10 seconds, and increase movement speed by 2%
○ Stacks up to 1 times
○ Passive
Will to Survive ○ Increases all Resistances by 2.5% per stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
Frozen Precision ○ Increases headshot damage by 50%
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Cold Blood Perk
Rapid Bloodflow ○ Increase Health regeneration inside and outside combat by 50% per stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 9 in Cold Blood Perk
Coldest Blood ○ Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 11 in Cold Blood Perk
Coolagulant ○ Stacks of Cold Blood are removed one by one, not all at once
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 16 in Cold Blood Perk
Bloodswell ○ When your Health reaches 45%, a max stack of Cold Blood is automatically activated
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 14 in Cold Blood Perk
Cold and Calculating ○ Landing a Critical Hit has 25% chance of applying a stack of Cold Blood
○ Passive
○ Requires Level 14 in Cold Blood Perk

Cyberpunk 2077 attributes: Intelligence

You can either be great in combat or smart in Cyberpunk 2077. The Intelligence attribute pertains to your netrunning proficiency, or your hacking skills. You can also increase the usability of your cyberdeck, which makes you a more effective hacker in combat.

Breach Protocol

Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Transmigration ○ Increases the breach time of Breach Protocol by 50%
○ +5% per perk level
○ Requires level 16 Breach Protocol to unlock
Extended Network Interface ○ Automatically highlights neaby Access Points
○ Passive
Advanced Datamine ○ Upgrades the datamine daemon, increasing the amount of eurodollars gained from Access Points by 50%
○ Passive
Mass Vulnerability: Resistances ○ Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, reducing all Resistances for enemies in the network by 30%
○ Passive
Efficiency ○ Uploading 3 or more daemons in the same Breach Protocol increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 3 units per 60 seconds for 5 minutes
○ Passive
Datamine Virtuoso ○ Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the chance to acquire a quickhack from Access Points by 50%
○ Passive
Turret Tamer ○ Unlocks the Turret Tamer daemon, which sets the status of every turret in the network to friendly for 3 minutes
○ Passive
Compression ○ Reduces the length of sequences required to upload daemons by 1, cannot be reduced below 2
○ Passive
Hackathon ○ Uploading 3 or more daemons in the same Breach Protocol shortens quickhack cooldowns by 33% for 5 minutes.
○ Passive
Head Start ○ Automatically uploads the first daemon in the list at the start of Breach Protocol
○ Passive
Almost In! ○ Increases the breach time for Breach Protocol by 20%
○ Passive
Big Sleep ○ Unlocks the Big Sleep daemon, which disables all cameras in the network for 6 min
○ Passive
Mass Vulnerability ○ Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces the Physical Resistance for all enemies in the network by 30% for 3 minutes
○ Passive
Total Recall ○ The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional RAM unit
○ Passive
Turret Shutdown ○ Unlocks the Turret Shutdown daemon, which disables security turrets in the network for 3 minutes
○ Passive
Datamine Mastermind ○ Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of components acquired from Access Points by 50%
○ Passive
Totaler Recall ○ The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional RAM unit
○ Passive
Cloud Cache ○ Completing a Breach Protocol reduces the RAM cost of your next quickhack by 1 time the number of daemons uploaded
○ Passive
Mass Vulnerability: Quickhacks ○ Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, causing enemies in the network to take 30% more damage from quickhacks
○ Passive
Buffer Optimization ○ Increases the duration of daemon effects by 100%
○ Passive


Name Attributes Gameplay Image
Master Ram Liberator ○ Increases RAM recovery rate by 50%
○ +1% per perk level
Daisy Chain ○ Eliminating a target affected by a quickhack reduces the existing cooldowns for all other active quickhacks by 10%
○ Passive
I Spy ○ Reveals an enemy netrunner when they're attempting to hack you
○ Passive
Hacker's Manual ○ Unlocks Crafting Specs for uncommon quickhacks
○ Passive
School of Hard Hacks ○ Unlocks Crafting Specs for rare quickhacks
○ Passive
Mnemonic ○ Reduces the cost of quickhacks used against an enemy already affected by a quickhack by 2 RAM units
○ Passive
Diffusion ○ Quickhack spread distance is increased by 2 times
○ Passive
Bartmoss' Legacy ○ Unlocks Crafting Specs for legendary quickhacks
○ Passive
Anamnesis ○ Available cyberdeck RAM cannot drop below 2 units
○ Passive
Optimization ○ Reduces the cost of quickhacks by 1 RAM unit
○ Passive
Forget-Me-Not ○ Eliminating a target affected by a quickhack instantly recovers 1 RAM unit
○ Passive
Biosynergy ○ Allows RAM to recover during combat. Recover 12 RAM units every 60 seconds (at level 3)
○ Passive
Bloodware ○ Quickhacks deal 30% more damage (at level 3)
○ Passive
Subliminal Message ○ Quickhacks deal 100% more damage to unaware targets (at level 2)
○ Passive
Weak Link ○ Reduces the required cyberdeck RAM for quickhacks used on devices by 1 unit
○ Passive
Signal Support ○ Increases quickhack duration by 50% (at level 2)
○ Passive
Hacker Overlord ○ Unlocks Crafting Specs for Epic quickhacks
○ Passive
Plague ○ Quickhacks that spread can jump to 1 additional target
○ Passive
Critical Error ○ Quickhacks can now deal Crit Hits based on your Crit Chance and Crit Damage stats
○ Passive

Become V

Cyberpunk 2077 is finally here, and in our review, Xbox lead Jez Corden says it's an expansive RPG like no other. The next-generation update, bringing special support for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PS5, is set to arrive sometime in 2021.

City of Dreams

Cyberpunk 2077

CDPR's biggest title yet

Cyberpunk 2077 brings a new role-playing experience on a scale as we've never seen before. You'll get some nice bonuses even if you just grab the standard edition, including the official soundtrack.


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