Source: StackCommerce
When you can't answer the phone, someone can leave a voicemail to explain what they need. With telbee Voice Messenger, visitors to your website can do exactly the same thing online. Right now, lifetime subscriptions are 87% off at $129.99.
When you only need to get across a simple idea, instant messaging works just fine. And when you're online, live chat can handle full conversations.
But if you run a small business, you might not have time to chat with every lead that visits your website. Instead, you can ask them to leave a voice message via telbee.
This service makes it much easier for people to explain their needs or problems, without typing up a huge email. In addition, you can easily listen to the message at any time or read the transcript.
The system works on your website, on social media, and anywhere else you interact with clients. Previously nominated Product of the Day on Product Hunt, telbee works on desktop and mobile devices without any special software.
Lifetime service is worth $1,080, but you can grab your subscription today for just $129.99.

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