If you want to secure a job in finance, marketing, or sales today, being able to work with data is essential. In particular, recruiters are looking for people with Microsoft Excel skills. Featuring eight courses, The Complete Excel Excellence Bundle can help you learn the software inside out. Right now, you can pick up the training for just $39.99.
If you work in an office environment, you have probably navigated a spreadsheet before. But what do you know about formulas, functions, and automation?
This bundle reveals all, with 47 hours of training from expert instructors. Through hands-on video lessons, you discover how to create your first workbook, format large data sets, and run advanced analysis.
The training also looks at VBA, the programming language that allows data experts to create custom workflows. This starts at beginner level, but you should come away with expert knowledge and a certificate of completion for each course.
It's worth $648 in total, but you can get the bundle today for just $39.99.

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