Ever fancied building apps for a living? Comprising four hours of intensive training, the Complete Developer Bootcamp is a great place to start. You can get this course now for just $15.99.
While some industries are struggling right now, the tech world is booming. Software developers are in demand, and anyone can jump into this lucrative career with some key skills.
The Complete Developer Bootcamp helps you nail the essentials through 35 engaging video tutorials. Starting from scratch, the instruction helps you acquire the knowledge and mindset of a professional developer.
Along the way, you learn the difference between good and bad code, including standards and bugs. You also learn how to test your work, add new features through updates, handle deployment, and manage the whole process via the Agile framework.
Your course instructor is Maksym Rudnyi, a senior software engineer who has taught over almost 40,000 students. Rudnyi has eight years of professional experience, and he is rated at 4.1 stars on Udemy.
This course is normally priced at $199, but you can get it today for just $15.99.

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